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Medicare Resources

Enrolling in Medicare can be confusing and challenging due to the various rules, deadlines, and penalties associated with the different parts of the program. Many people struggle to understand when and how to sign up, especially if they have other health coverage or qualify for Medicare before age 65. Missing deadlines or misunderstanding eligibility requirements can lead to costly penalties and gaps in coverage, making the process stressful and complex for many individuals.

Luckily Medicare has a pretty big window to help you sign up in time. You can enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B during a seven-month Initial Enrollment Period, starting three months before your 65th birthday and ending three months after. If you miss this period, you may face a late enrollment penalty that increases the longer you wait to sign up. Some individuals may qualify for Medicare before age 65 due to disability, certain medical conditions, or if they have a group health plan through current employment. 

If you have a group health plan through your current employer (or your spouse’s or a family member’s employer), you may not need to sign up for Medicare right away. However, it’s important to understand the specifics of your situation. If your employer has 20 or more employees, your group health plan will generally be the primary payer, and you can delay enrolling in Medicare without penalty. But if the employer has fewer than 20 employees, Medicare becomes the primary payer, and you may need to sign up for Medicare to avoid penalties and gaps in coverage. Always check with your benefits administrator to ensure you’re making the right decision for your circumstances.


Here are some great free resources to help you navigate the complexities of Medicare. – On this website you can: 

Review coverage options & find plans

Get help with drug costs

Find services, providers, medical equipment, & suppliers

Talk to someone from MedicareCall Medicare at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). Help from Medicare is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except some federal holidays. 

Medicare & State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) – This website covers: 

Medicare Plan Basics 

In-person locations within Colorado for assistance on Medicare plan selection and questions. Boulder County Office: Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (303) 441-1546

Medicare Counseling in Boulder County Medicare Basics Classes, live via Zoom, are designed for anyone wanting to understand Medicare enrollment, plans, benefits, and costs. The program provides up-to-date, objective information and guidance when comparing and enrolling in Prescription Drug plans (Medicare Part D), Advantage Plans, and information about Supplemental insurance plans (Medigaps). 

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