
Investment Management

Equity Strategies

Core equity exposure with a bias towards economic growth. Combined market correlation with a weighted emphasis on growth sectors and companies with a history of growing revenue and balance sheet expansion:

  • Long-Term Capital Growth 
  • Above Market Capital Appreciation
  • Companies with attractive growth-centric ratios
  • Above Market Volatility

Core equity exposure with high market correlation. The target of this portfolio is a broad and balanced reflection of the market. Individual stocks are included to capture near term mispricing and long term return of capital.

  • Intermediate-Term Capital Growth 
  • Market Capital Appreciation
  • Market Level Income
  • At Market Volatility


Core equity exposure with a bias towards current income. Combined market correlation with a weighted emphasis on sectors and companies with reliable and growing current income and track record of returning that capital to shareholders:

  • Current Income and some capital growth 
  • Above Market Dividend Income
  • Companies with Attractive Return of Capital Ratios
  • Below Market Volitility

Defined Income Strategies

Broad Fixed Income

Core aggregate bond exposure with returns in line with prevailing, cross-class interest rates.

  • High Liquidity
  • Current Income
  • Low Volatility
  • Low Market Correlation

Tailored Fixed Income

A customized portfolio strategy for clients with fixed income requirements above $100,000. 

  • Client-specific bond strategy (laddering, barbell, cash matching, and inoculation) 
  • Current income
  • Cash Adjacent Management
  • High Customization
  • Low Cost

Managed Real Estate

Real Estate exposure as a core or supplemental holding to generate current income. 

  • Higher Income
  • Economic Correlation
  • Client-Centric Control
  • Low Liquidity

Strategies Made for Individuals

Our CFPs coordinate with our investment advisors to develop an investment strategy that works for you. Combining our love for capital markets and your goals generated by the InSight-Full®‌  planning process, we develop an asset allocation that meets each clients needs.  

Accumulation Approach

Income Now Plan

Legacy Portfolio

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