
Mastering Risk Management: Emergency Funds and Financial Planning – A Comprehensive Guide

Financial Planning Dentist

Risk management goes beyond protecting yourself from unforeseen events; it also involves securing your financial stability. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of having a well-funded emergency fund separate from your spending money, the value of having a financial plan, automating your savings, and creating deliberate tax-specific buckets for investing. By mastering risk management in these areas, you can enhance your financial security and navigate uncertainties with confidence.

Building a Robust Emergency Fund:

Understand the Importance: An emergency fund acts as a safety net, providing financial stability during unexpected events such as job loss, medical emergencies, or major repairs. It ensures that you have funds readily available without compromising your day-to-day expenses or long-term investments.

Set a Target Amount: Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in your emergency fund. This amount can vary based on factors like job security, income stability, and personal circumstances.

Keep it Separate: Maintain a separate account for your emergency fund to avoid commingling it with your spending money. This separation helps prevent the temptation to dip into the funds for non-emergency purposes.

Creating a Financial Plan:

Establish Clear Goals: Determine your short-term and long-term financial objectives, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or funding your child’s education. Establishing clear goals will guide your financial planning efforts and provide a roadmap for managing risks.

Assess Risk Tolerance: Understand your risk tolerance and align your investment strategies accordingly. Consider your age, financial obligations, income stability, and personal preferences when determining the level of risk you are comfortable with.

Seek Professional Advice: Consider consulting with a financial planner or advisor to create a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your specific needs. They can provide insights, analyze your financial situation, and offer guidance on risk management and investment strategies.

Automating Your Savings:

Pay Yourself First: Automate your savings by setting up recurring transfers from your income to your savings or investment accounts. By prioritizing savings, you build a disciplined approach to risk management and ensure a consistent contribution to your financial goals.

Take Advantage of Employer Programs: If your employer offers retirement plans, such as a 401(k) or pension, contribute regularly and take full advantage of any matching contributions. This maximizes your savings potential and reduces the risk of not saving enough for retirement.

Deliberate Tax-Specific Buckets for Investing:

Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Take advantage of tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts), 401(k)s, or 529 plans (for education savings). These accounts provide tax benefits and can help optimize your investments by minimizing tax liabilities.

Diversify Your Investments: Spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk and increase potential returns. Consider a mix of stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investment vehicles that align with your risk tolerance and long-term financial goals.

Mastering risk management in emergency funds and financial planning is crucial for achieving long-term financial security. By maintaining a well-funded emergency fund, creating a comprehensive financial plan, automating your savings, and leveraging tax-specific investment buckets, you can protect yourself from unforeseen events, minimize financial risks, and work towards your financial goals. Remember, risk management is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment. By adopting these practices, you can navigate financial uncertainties with confidence and achieve a solid foundation for your financial future.


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President Biden’s 2022 Budget Request will change the way you plan

The three takeaways in this article: What you can expect regarding the Increase Capital Gains Rate How Estate Planning & Gifting will change next year How to use Tax Credits for parents and children While I was out to lunch with Sue, a small business owner in the Event Planning space, she asked me about Biden’s proposed tax increases and if she should be doing anything about it. Given that Sue is nearing retirement and her business is very profitable it was important to discuss how the proposed budget would impact her and the business.   Sue was hoping to work for 3-5 more years and then sell her business when she reaches 65 for Medicare purposes. While this is very much still an option, Sue and I decided to review her situation in more detail so she could make the most educated decision moving forward. Since selling a business and retiring is a massive decision in itself, if the new proposed tax law changes would help make her decision easier then it was my job to let her know.  The Capital Gains Rate is expected to increase from 20% to 39.6% on income in excess of $1 million Proposal: Increase the top capital gains rate (raising the capital gains tax is an alternative to raising the estate tax exemption) currently at 20% to 39.6% before application of the 3.8% net investment income tax for income in excess of $1 million (possibly retroactively – Yes, this can be done due to Article I, Section 9 of the United States Constitution) Ex: In 1993, the top ordinary income tax rate was increased on both ordinary income as well as the estate and gift tax retroactively to the beginning of the year (even though it was enacted in August).  What can Sue do: It may be worthwhile to accelerate the sale of her company in order to capture gains at today’s current top capital gain tax rate. Additionally, those that have appreciated land, real estate, stocks, collectibles, etc should look to do the same.  Ex: Sue (60) owns a company that she is looking to sell in the next 3-5 years as she is nearing retirement. Her income is typically $300,000 and the value of her business is $3 million. If she sells her business this year she will pay 20% instead of 39.6% (plus the 3.8% medicare surtax) on any income above $1 million. So, $460,000 (20% x $2.3 mill) vs. $910,800 (39.6% x $2.3 mill). The difference being $450,800 which if you invested at a 6% rate of return over the next 30 years (Sue at age 90) would be $2.58 million dollars.  Sue’s Options: Keep the business until she is ready to sell, sell the business now, or sell the business and consult the acquiring company for a set number of years for a lower sale price.  Our Guidance: Sell the business and consult the new company. This will enable her to bridge the gap between now and Medicare when paying for health insurance out of pocket is extremely expensive, capitalize on a low capital gain tax rate, and provide her the peace of mind that her clients will be taken care of while she collects an income.  Estate Planning & Gifting Death itself would become a capital gains realization event (1 million exemption) Gifting is now a realization event (so if you’re looking to gift an appreciated asset soon it may be worthwhile to accelerate that into this year)  Ex: If you gift an asset that has a basis of $100k and it is now worth $1mill then $900k would be taxed immediately. Previously, the recipient of the gift would not realize a taxable event until the asset is sold.  Tax Credits for Parents and their children are increasing Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit refundable credit up to 50% of up to $8,000 in expenses for one child/disabled dependent ($16k for more than one child/disabled dependent) with a phaseout and an exclusion of up to $10,500 in employer assistance/contributions for dependent care.  *Child Tax Credit extends the ARP child tax credit through 2025, including a maximum of $3,600 for children under 6 and $3,000 for children 6 through 17. Half of a taxpayer’s total allowable credit would be received as monthly advance payments and half would be paid when households file their taxes; any discrepancies would be reconciled on tax returns. Notably, by proposing that only half of the credit be paid out monthly, the resulting maximum monthly payments would be $150/$125 per child for 2022 through 2025, with the rest received at tax time, compared to maximum monthly payments of $300/$250 under the current ARP child tax credit in 2021. Full refundability, regardless of earned income, would become permanent. *Source – Biden Proposed Child Tax Credit Here are some additional facts and what you should know: The QBI (Qualified Business Income) deduction is here to stay – QBI Deduction – IRS 1031 exchanges, if you’re a married couple then Biden is proposing a 1 million per year cap on 1031 exchange exemption (500k for single filers) – 1031 Exchange – IRS Proposed 3.8% surtax to S-Corps distributions There have been talks about getting rid of  “Zeroed Out Grats” and rolling GRATs  What should you be doing now?  Think about your goals and objectives for your life, employment, gifting plans in order to prioritize the next steps If your income is less than 1 million then proposed tax increases don’t affect you Plan now and prepare while you have time. Planning on selling a business, piece of land, or real estate in December is not feasible. Sit down with your tax professional and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ to plan the next steps

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Kevin Taylor

What to know about investments in Mixed-use properties

Investing in mixed-use properties can be a unique and rewarding investment opportunity. These properties contain a mix of residential and commercial units, providing a variety of potential income streams. However, like any investment, there are benefits and drawbacks to consider. Benefits of owning a stake in Mixed-use properties: Diversification: Mixed-use properties provide diversification of income streams through both residential and commercial tenants. Potential for higher returns: With multiple sources of income, mixed-use properties have the potential for higher returns compared to single-use properties. Strong market demand: Mixed-use properties are often in high demand due to their convenience and accessibility to both residential and commercial amenities. They are quickly becoming the most popular parts of town to live, work, and play. Upside potential: Investors can potentially increase the value and potential for rental income by improving and repositioning the property. Mixed-use can capture the imagination and interest of new investors for decades if the area is aesthetic and well-maintained. The synergy created by bringing in residential and commercial is exciting for both sides.   Drawbacks of investing in Mixed-use properties: Management complexity: Managing a mixed-use property can be more complex and time-consuming than managing a single-use property. Tenant turnover: High tenant turnover can impact occupancy rates and rental income, especially for commercial units. Market conditions: Changes in the local market conditions and economy can impact the value and potential for rental income. Potential zoning restrictions: Local zoning laws and restrictions may limit the types of businesses that can operate in commercial units. The most lucrative benefit of investing in mixed-use properties is the potential for higher returns and diversification of income streams. The cap rate, or the ratio of net operating income to property value, can vary depending on the location and condition of the property. Generally, a higher cap rate indicates a better return on investment, but it’s important to evaluate the potential for rental income and market demand. There is a moderate level of risk involved in investing in mixed-use properties. Property management, tenant turnover, market conditions, and potential zoning restrictions are all factors to consider when evaluating the investment. People typically invest in a variety of mixed-use properties, including apartment buildings with ground-floor retail, office buildings with residential units, and shopping centers with residential units above. The specific type of mixed-use property depends on the investor’s goals and market conditions. In conclusion, investing in mixed-use properties can provide a unique and potentially rewarding investment opportunity. However, careful evaluation of the property and market conditions is necessary to minimize risk and maximize returns.

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