Onboarding Timeline
Thank you for taking this step forward with InSight! This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to efficiently and securely obtain the information needed to move forward in the planning process.
If you have questions or would like to troubleshoot together, we’re here to help! Contact Kate, our Manager of Client Experience at: kate@investmentwithinsight.com
Step One: Initial Meeting
Now that you’ve had your initial meeting it’s time upload your information, hear our recommendations, and decide if you’d like to hire InSight.
Step Two: Data Gathering in PreciseFP and eMoney
InSight utilizes two separate tools to help us communicate. Instructions for registering on PreciseFP and eMoney, your financial client portal can be found below.
Step Three: Schedule Your Review
After your documents have been uploaded, we need 5 business days to review your information. We’ll then reach out to schedule your review.
Step Four: Decision Time
After your review, if you decide to hire InSight you will complete Step 5.
Step Five: Investment Meeting
As a new client you’ll have an investment meeting with Kevin Taylor, CIMA. You’ll also receive access to our InSightFull Cadence Meetings throughout the year with Peter Locke, CFP. To read more about our InSightFull Cadence topics: click here.
Let's Begin Onboarding
- Register For Your Client Portal / How does eMoney keep my information secure? (2min)
- How to upload documents into the eMoney Vault (1min) – See Vault Document List Below
- Linking Your Accounts on eMoney (2min)
- Using the Organizer Tab on eMoney (4min)
Upload the most recent copies of these documents into the Shared Folder in the eMoney Vault.
- Investment/bank account statements (banks, 401ks, IRAs, Roth IRAs, Brokerage, Pensions
- Loan statements (mortgage, cars, student, boat, etc)
- Federal & State Income tax returns (2022 & 2023)
- Paycheck Stub(s)
- Social Security Statement(s)
- All Insurance Policies (life, disability, health, homeowners, cars, umbrella, business, etc)
- Wills, Trusts, or other estate planning documents (if you have done any planning)
- Benefit statement(s) from work