
Tag: Roth

Peter Locke

The Rich Man’s Roth

Life Insurance…. Let me guess, was your first thought, “are you serious?” If so, don’t worry mine was too. How could life insurance be like anything like a Roth? When I was first presented with the idea that life insurance

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tax planning
Kevin Taylor

Year-End Tax Planning Under the Biden Administration

A lack of political clarity means not knowing whether Democrats can push their legislative agenda faster. If Democrats gain control of the US Senate, Republicans won’t have the control to force legislation gridlock. Therefore, without this crucial information year end

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Peter Locke

Backdoor Roth 

If you’re looking for tax free income in retirement getting as much money into your Roth is the way to go. Tax free growth turns into tax free income. Executing on backdoor Roth strategies can be a little confusing but

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