
The 8 Financial Musts when Considering a Divorce

Financial Planning Dentist

Learn and document what you already have.

First work to become familiar with what is known. List out every account that you have, its location, the current balance, if and how it’s invested, and what the liquidity situation is like. This includes all of your personal 401(k)’s IRA, and other retirement accounts and pensions: as well as the account you hold jointly. Don’t forget to document the debts you share as well, get as close to a proper accounting of assets that you are aware of as possible. Year-end statements in a digital vault are a great way to do this. 

You can’t protect what you don’t know is out there.

Then begin an effort to uncover the known-unknowns, this includes your spouse’s account you are aware of that exists but are unsure of the balance, the investments, the liquidity, and other details regarding their mobility and value. These accounts also include the balances in any operating business that might be involved. These accounts will be a little harder to uncover, but not impossible. Ballpark figures are good, but try to get as accurate of an understanding as possible. In most cases, a CFP® can help ask the right questions to uncover these details.

The hardest part will be documenting the unknown-unknowns. These are accounts you may not be aware of today. They require that you both find out about their existence and the requisite uses and balances. Because of the nature of these accounts, if you feel they may exist, you will almost certainly need a CFP® and/or a CPA® to uncover these details. Filing documents and tax returns might be the best place to start revealing the existence of these accounts. 

Don’t ever hide money.

There is a lot of bad advice out there, and the first among them is to begin hiding money. From having a cash squirrel fund to offshore bank accounts, it’s not a good idea. 

Don't Bury Money Divorce

If you feel your spouse might not have your best interests at heart, documentation is the answer, not deception. Hiding money will more often than not have more damaging long-term consequences. You’re not a professional money launderer and there is almost always a paper trail. Regardless of the situation, there is almost always a better option if you are preparing for a divorce. In the months to come, these deceptive tactics that seem like a good idea now, become an assault on your credibility and may even escalate into more legal fees and costs. Ultimately, it may get back to the one person you absolutely don’t want to find out, the Judge in your case.

Do separate your bank accounts.

If you don’t have your own checking and savings account, get them now. You will need them for the long run and will want to start getting them set up now. If the money is held jointly, you can begin moving assets into your accounts for now. In some cases, there is a real concern that one party will get the idea to withdraw or spend down that account either in fear or as retribution. In either case, this is a bad idea and one you can mitigate the risk of by establishing your own financial ecosystem. If your spouse does decide to abruptly and possibly hostility, spend down the joint accounts, trust that this behavior can be identified by your counsel and the judge. And that in this situation your wish to isolate your portion of the funds was prudent and their behavior will likely be dealt with. 

If you are concerned that the divorce will cause you an extended period of financial hardship, and with no access to money you may want to withdraw half the money into an individual account. Consult your attorney prior to the action, move the money, and immediately notify your soon-to-be-ex of what you’ve done. Transparency is key, and mitigating your risk is in your best interest.

Have your own emergency fund.

Clients that work with a CFP® should be familiar with the idea of an emergency fund. This will be your “divorce” emergency fund. It should be separate from any existing emergency fund you share. It may be the seed money

Emergency Fund Divorce

 for your own personal, post-divorce, emergency fund in the long run, but for now, it is designed to save you from the compounding psychological, and emotional issues that accompany a divorce. 

The fund should be a 2nd savings account with a singular goal, housing cash, and highly liquid assets that can be used to keep you in your house, make your car payments, and maintain your spending should a secondary event disrupt your personal cash flow. There are several scenarios we have witnessed that can cause a disruption in cash flow. From the broader economy to your employment situation, or even currently undiagnosed health issues. The idea is to not worry about the nature of the risk but to confirm that you are now financially ready for the unknowns that may arise. 

You should be the only person with access to this fund. But you shouldn’t keep an account like this a secret. This is just quality financial advice that will persist through your divorce and into your new financial life post-divorce. It is freeing and financially sophisticated to know you have a risk management plan in place for the unforeseen in your future. 

Build a team around YOU.

This might be a good opportunity to do your own vetting of an attorney, accountant, and financial planner for the divorce and into the future. Several of our clients have felt that in the marriage one of all of the above advisors was the result of the relationship they had with their spouse. This might be your best opportunity to build a more personal team that is prepared to represent your interests more acutely.

Team You” should be composed of several professionals that you have personally selected for their responsiveness and professionalism regarding your specific situation. In most cases, this group will include your divorce attorney, a CPA®, and a CFP®. Additionally, we recommend at least in the throes of the divorce, including a mental health professional like a therapist or counselor, and possibly depending on the situation a forensic accountant, real estate professional, property manager, and business manager.

Put yourself at the center of this team, and use this window of opportunity to reinvent your professional advice ecosystem. Some of these professionals might persist long after the divorce, and some will only be valuable during the process. You’ll decide.

Do hire a divorce attorney.

There is a current ‘fad’ to work towards an amicable divorce. To avoid using an attorney to lower the costs and possible tensions in a divorce. I think this is a mistake, it often results in one party gaining the upper hand, and in many cases, one party is underprepared for the legal and strategic process that is about to unfold.

I don’t want to discount the desire to have a cordial and pleasant divorce experience, but what starts out as a mutually agreed-upon course of action will undoubtedly result in long-term pain, resentment, and even conflict. In many cases, efforts to appease and be amicable with your spouse result in long-term costs to one party that a legal professional might have better negotiated. 

While you may not want a lawyer that causes hostility, having a professional negotiator in your corner pays dividends over the long term and results in a more clear, complete, and coordinated strategy for your personal wealth going forward. 

Document the “little extras” in child support.

Child support can be tricky, hopefully, your attorney will help document and navigate this well. In any case, you should document the “extras” that often get overlooked. Child support is supposed to be the aggregate cost of the big and little purchases that go into maintaining the lifestyle of the child. 

Usually, the big items, college savings, tutors and education costs, camps, and sports fees are all documented in the process. But too often small, inconsequential costs are overlooked. $25 for a school field trip, $50 for lacrosse stick, $8 for lunch at an away game are some of the point costs that are rarely accounted for properly and certainly add up over time. 

Ideally,  both parents will be in agreement that a child’s expenses aren’t static, and that routine accounting for these items are in the best interest of the child and promote a good environment post-divorce. Unfortunately in my experience these costs are forgotten about early in the process and felt more and more so as children get older and costs go up. This becomes a looming point of contention for many divorced adults.

Talk about the emotionality of the home.

Many people get emotionally attached to their home, it becomes the focal point for negotiations and for many families is the most valuable single asset and has very limited liquidity. Making it the most complicated asset. Additionally, there is a vocabulary that sneaks its way into divorce proceedings such as “win” and “lose”, “I lost the house in the divorce” is a common phrase we encounter. 

At its root, the house is a major, singular asset. But upon further examination, people realize that while a house might be an asset, your home is more appropriately a liability. It requires insurance, maintenance, debt service, and may actually decline in value. So while in the process of a divorce it may be valued as a marital asset, one party might end up with a long-term liability that can deteriorate their finances post-divorce for decades. It is fair to argue that while the house has a market value today, that value needs to be discounted by the immediate liabilities that come with it, which are often overlooked in its valuation. 

Our case is that a $500,000 house and $500,000 brokerage account might seem like equivalent assets. But the brokerage account can provide for immediate liquidity and cash flow, and the other carries tax liabilities, maintenance, and tax issues that deteriorate its actual value and causes a dislocation between the value of those assets over time. 

Take a beat and write down “what is it about the house that is important to me” and then begin a process to determine if there is a more financially successful alternative. Often during the divorce, one party will overweight the value of keeping the kids in the same house, school, and community. They view the near-term disruption as harmful to the child but may be overlooking the likelihood of needing to sell a house down the road that is too costly for the single parent to financially support.

At worst this exercise will help you evaluate the financial and lifestyle alternatives available to you, at best it will be a good hard look at both the valuation of the house and the long-term viability of staying in it

Divorce Losing A Home


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Kevin Taylor

How to Prepare your company for the Close of the Plan Year and Welcome the New Year in Your 401(k) Plan

As the current year draws to a close, plan sponsors overseeing 401(k) plans have several essential tasks to complete to ensure a smooth transition from the old plan year to the new one. This guide provides insights into what you can expect and how to prepare effectively for the upcoming year. With InSight, plan years align with the calendar year, making January 1 the starting point for the new plan year. Before Year-End Some elements of your tax mitigation and 401(k) planning strategy must be completed before the Dec 31st deadline. Consult your AIF®, CPA®, and CFP® today to make sure these are noted and can be completed by year-end: Elect Final Contributions For individuals with self-employed income, confirming owner’s draw elections by the December 31 deadline is essential, and this requirement extends to more than just owner’s draws.  It also encompasses bonuses and other spot compensation that employees want to count in this year’s contributions. This deadline is significant because it impacts how these additional forms of income are allocated within the 401(k) plan. Even if participants intend to allocate these contributions to the following year for the current plan year, adhering to the December 31 deadline ensures that these funds are correctly accounted for and accounted for in the appropriate tax year.  Bonuses and spot compensation, often received at year-end or sporadically, should not be excluded from 401(k) contributions. It’s crucial to communicate to plan participants that they have the opportunity to temporarily adjust their deferral rates via their dashboards before payroll processing, allowing them to make informed decisions about their retirement savings in light of these variable income sources.  Timely compliance with these deadlines ensures transparency and accurate accounting of all forms of income within the 401(k) plan, promoting financial security for participants and regulatory compliance for plan sponsors. Verify or Update Company Information Begin by confirming that InSight and the recordkeeper have the most up-to-date and accurate information about your company’s owners and officers. You can achieve this by completing the company information task on your dashboard. If you’ve switched or plan to switch payroll providers, it’s crucial to inform us promptly. Make sure to review your employee roster, ensuring it includes any new hires and employees who have left your organization. Monitor Your Compliance Dashboard Access your compliance dashboard to review projected compliance results via the Compliance Status section on your administrator dashboard. More on Compliance testing is found here. It’s important to note that Safe Harbor 401(k) plans automatically meet most non-discrimination testing requirements. More on Safe Harbor 401(k) plans can be found here. Understand End-of-Year Payroll and Annual Limits Keep in mind that bonus payments cannot be excluded from 401(k) contributions, even if they are paid separately from regular payroll. If participants are due to receive a bonus, inform them that they can temporarily adjust their deferral rates via their dashboards before payroll processing, if desired. Employer nonelective contributions and matches will apply to bonus pay as usual. All payrolls with a payment date on or after January 1 will count toward the next plan year’s contributions, regardless of when the work was performed. In the context of 401(k) plans, compensation is recognized when it’s actually paid, not when it’s earned. If any employees reach annual contribution limits before the year-end, their contributions may be capped by either your payroll provider or recordkeeper to prevent exceeding these limits. When the New Year Begins At the onset of the new plan year, you can expect to receive tasks within your administrator dashboard, guiding you on essential actions to take. Here are some tasks you may need or want to complete: Report Compensation and Self-Employment Income Reporting compensation and self-employment income in 401(k) plans holds paramount importance as it forms the foundation for fair and accurate retirement savings. This crucial step ensures that participants’ contributions and benefits align with their actual earnings, fostering equity within the plan. Accurate income reporting not only helps employees maximize their retirement savings but also aids plan administrators in complying with regulatory requirements.  By meticulously documenting compensation and self-employment income, employers and plan sponsors can confidently navigate the complexities of 401(k) plan administration, contributing to the financial well-being of both the workforce and the organization as a whole. Make Additional Employer Contributions with Profit Sharing Making additional employer contributions with profit sharing is a strategic move that can significantly benefit both employers and employees within a 401(k) plan. This practice allows employers to share their company’s success directly with their workforce, fostering employee loyalty and motivation. It serves as an attractive incentive for employees to participate in the retirement plan, increasing overall plan engagement.  From an employer’s perspective, profit sharing provides flexibility in contributing to retirement accounts while potentially enjoying tax advantages. It aligns the company’s prosperity with the financial well-being of its employees, creating a win-win scenario that strengthens the employer-employee relationship and enhances the long-term retirement security of the workforce. Consider making additional employer contributions with profit sharing, enhancing the retirement benefits offered to your employees. Explore the advantages of profit sharing. Address Required Nondiscrimination Test Failures Addressing required nondiscrimination test failures in a 401(k) plan is a crucial step to maintaining fairness and compliance within the plan. These tests are designed to ensure that retirement benefits are distributed equitably among all employees and not skewed in favor of highly compensated individuals or business owners.  When failures occur, it’s imperative to take corrective actions promptly as outlined by the IRS. By rectifying these issues, plan sponsors not only avoid potential penalties and legal complications but also uphold the core principle of retirement plans – providing a fair and equal opportunity for all employees to save for their future. Proactive resolution of nondiscrimination test failures not only safeguards the plan’s integrity but also fosters trust and confidence among plan participants, reinforcing the plan’s commitment to equitable retirement savings for everyone. If your plan fails any mandatory nondiscrimination tests, be prepared to make the necessary corrections as outlined by

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Definitions: Fiduciary

A fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons. They at all times must put their clients’ interest ahead of their own. Being a fiduciary thus requires being bound both legally and ethically to act in the other’s best interests, and having a documented process that reflect and enshrines this standard. Registered investment advisors have a fiduciary duty to clients. Alternatively, broker-dealers, insurance companies, and financial advisors just have to meet the less-stringent suitability standard, which doesn’t require putting the client’s interests ahead of their own. This gap in their understanding of the duty to the client is what causes contamination in the client-advisor relationship. The Difference between suitability and fiduciary: Investment advisers and investment brokers, who work for broker-dealers, both tailor their investment advice to individuals and institutional clients. However, they are not governed by the same standards. Investment advisers work directly for clients and must place clients’ interests ahead of their own, according to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The majority of advisors, particularly those selling packaged financial products like insurance and mutual funds access simply meet the suitability standard. Meaning, that the products are an appropriate fit for other investors ‘like’ you and the due diligence ends there. This suitability standard is loosely defined as making recommendations that suit the best interests of their client. That is notably different from a standard of without conflict of interest. So while investments A and B might both suitable, A pays the advisor a substantial fee and is thus recommended more frequently and to a wide selection of clients. The law however has gone further to define what a fiduciary means, and it stipulates that advisers must place their interests below that of their clients. It consists of a duty of loyalty and care and generally is accompanied by a professional code of conduct that includes: Employ and provide the client information on the Prudent Practices when serving as an investment fiduciary and/or advising other investment fiduciaries. Act with honesty and integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Ensure the timely and understandable disclosure of relevant information that is accurate, complete, and objective. Be responsible when determining the value of my services and my form of compensation; taking into consideration the time, skill, experience, and special circumstances involved in providing my services. Know the limits of my expertise, and refer my clients to colleagues and/or other professionals in connection with issues beyond my knowledge and skills. Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of my work, and not disclose such information to others, except when authorized or otherwise legally obligated to do so. I will not use confidential information acquired in the course of my work for my personal advantage. Not exploit any relationship or responsibility that has been entrusted to me. There are three quick tests to determine if an advisor is a fiduciary: are they compensated at different ‘rate’ for any of their products are they encouraged though compensation or organizationally, to keep assets in a particular fund, strategy, or asset class are the fees solely paid by the client

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Kevin Taylor

Tax Mitigation Playbook: How much money do you have to reinvest?

In order to defer ALL capital gains and depreciation recapture taxes from the sale of the Relinquished Property the taxpayer must pay an equal or higher price for the Replacement Property than the Relinquished Property was sold. Should any debt or amount not be reinvested this portion, called boot, would be taxable. The “Boot” is any non-like-kind property or property(ies) that do not qualify, which could include cash, notes, partnership interests, securities, inventory, or property held primarily for sale not investment, etc. Boot is categorized into two types: cash boot, which is cash received, and mortgage boot, which is any reduction in loan or debt on the exchange. Any boot received during a 1031 exchange is subject to taxation as either depreciation recapture or capital gain. It is important to note that any credits on the settlement statement directly paid out to the taxpayer may also result in boot and a taxable event. If certain situations are not handled properly in the construction and administration of the 1031 exchange it can result in credits on the settlement statement. Here are a couple of common situations: If earnest money is paid out of pocket by the taxpayer then it will be credited on the settlement statement. To avoid this, the earnest money should be paid by the qualified intermediary out of the exchange funds whenever possible. If the settlement statement shows credits for property taxes, security deposit(s), or rent prorations those would be taxable. Instead, the taxpayer should consider asking the seller to pay these items outside of the closing. In summary, to avoid a taxable event in its entirety the taxpayer must reinvest equal to or greater than the value of the sale of the Relinquished Property. However, the taxpayer may take cash out, creating boot, but they will have to pay the associated taxes. The Complete Playbook

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