
The investment opportunity in semiconductors

Financial Planning Dentist

Microchips, more commonly known as computer chips or integrated circuits, have become an integral part of our lives. They are present in everything from our smartphones and laptops to our cars and household appliances. In recent years, the importance of microchips has grown exponentially, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

At their core, microchips are essentially tiny electronic circuits etched onto a small piece of semiconducting material. They contain transistors, which are essentially tiny switches that can be turned on and off to perform calculations and process information. The number of transistors on a chip has been increasing rapidly over the past few decades, following Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles approximately every two years.

The increasing number of transistors on a chip has led to the development of more powerful and efficient processors, which are the backbone of computing power. The more transistors on a chip, the more calculations can be performed simultaneously, and the faster and more efficient the processing power becomes. This has allowed for the development of faster and more sophisticated computing systems, from supercomputers to smartphones.

However, the significance of microchips extends beyond just computing power. With the rise of AI and machine learning, microchips have become the cornerstone for the development of these technologies. AI relies on large amounts of data and complex algorithms to make decisions and predictions, which require immense computing power and the ability to process vast amounts of data quickly. This is where microchips come in, providing the necessary processing power and efficiency to support these complex algorithms and enable the development of AI and machine learning systems.

As AI continues to evolve and become more advanced, the demand for more powerful and efficient microchips will only increase. Companies that specialize in the design and manufacture of microchips, such as Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm, are at the forefront of this rapidly growing industry. Investing in these companies can be a smart move for those interested in the potential growth of the microchip industry and the continued development of AI and machine learning technologies.

Microchips are a revolution right now, the backbone of modern computing, and are crucial for the development of AI and machine learning. The increasing number of transistors on a chip has led to more powerful and efficient processors, which have enabled the development of faster and more sophisticated computing systems. As AI continues to evolve and become more advanced, the demand for more powerful and efficient microchips will only increase, making them a crucial investment opportunity for those interested in the future of technology.

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Income and Risk Management from Covered Calls

A covered call strategy is a popular options trading strategy that combines both risk management and income generation using stocks. It involves selling call options on a stock you already own, thereby generating additional income while potentially limiting downside risk. Here’s a basic description of a covered call strategy: You need to own the Stock: To implement a covered call strategy, you first need to own the underlying stock. This means you have purchased shares of a particular stock in your investment portfolio. A call can be written against each “round lot” or 100 shares. Selling Call Options: Once you own the stock, you sell call options against it. A call option is a financial contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying stock at a specified price (known as the strike price) within a specified time period (known as the expiration date). By selling call options, you are essentially giving someone else the opportunity to buy your stock at the strike price if they choose to exercise the option. Generating Income: When you sell a call option, you receive a premium (payment) from the buyer of the option. This premium becomes your additional income. It’s important to note that by selling the call option, you are obligated to sell the stock at the strike price if the buyer decides to exercise the option. Risk Management: The covered call strategy helps manage risk in two ways. First, the premium received from selling the call options provides a buffer against potential stock price declines. It reduces the effective cost basis of the stock, thereby providing some downside protection. Second, if the stock price rises above the strike price, you are obligated to sell the stock at the strike price, but you still get to keep the premium received. While you miss out on potential gains above the strike price, you benefit from the additional income generated. Potential Outcomes: There are a few potential outcomes with a covered call strategy. If the stock price remains below the strike price, the call options will typically expire worthless, and you get to keep the premium as income. If the stock price rises above the strike price and the call options are exercised, you sell your stock at the strike price and still retain the premium received. If the stock price experiences a significant increase, you may miss out on potential gains above the strike price. In summary, a covered call strategy is a risk management tool and a way to generate additional income from stock. It involves selling call options on a stock you own, providing downside protection and potential income. While it limits potential gains if the stock price rises significantly, it can be a useful strategy for investors looking to manage risk and generate income from their stock holdings.

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Peter Locke

A December to Remember may have heard some of these eye catching sales promotions where a guy buys a new car and puts a giant bow on it to surprise his wife. First, under no circumstances should you buy a $50k car without the verbal and emotional consent of your spouse. Second, you should immediately review the glossary of basic sales techniques these commercials employ:  0% APR for the first 12 months Only $2,999 down and $399 a month Free charging for one year on new Tesla Model 3 or Model Y if you buy before the year’s end! Financing for as low as $50 a month for 24 months Enroll in our Rewards Program with our Credit Card and save $200 today on qualified purchases It’s the “buy now, pay later” sales technique that’s been working for decades. Since we live in a consumer world, large corporations know how to make us purchase goods and services we don’t need and can’t afford with creative financing options. 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No approval needed. So why are retailers doing this and why should you care? Let’s say you’re looking like I was to buy a new T.V. You go into the store and you were planning on spending no more than $500. You’ve been saving and your old TVs is really small and outdated so it’s time for an upgrade. You go in and you start seeing huge TVs with big red sales signs! Your eyes light up as you go right to the TVs you can afford. You somehow aren’t nearly as excited because guess what? Right next to your $499 TV there is a huge 75 inch brand new 4k, ultrathin, curved TV for $899! The sales representative approaches, you dodge him like he’s trying to sell you girl scout cookies when you just started a diet.  Ten minutes go by and you are suddenly underwhelmed with a lack of excitement due to your 55inch TV that is in your budget being all of a sudden so small and boring. You go back to the huge TV that’s seemed to get louder and brighter. 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But you think to yourself well I need a sound bar if you get this huge TV because the representative just told you that if you buy this TV you get $100 off a new sound bar. He turns up the soundbar and you’re immediately sold. You grab your cart, load the TV and the sound bar and go to the checkout. They offer you the credit card and you say no as if you’ve just saved yourself from a bad decision and then the little cashier machine says $1,185. You then tell the cashier that you’re doing the finance deal and they tell you how great of a deal it is and you feel a little bit better about what you know is a bad decision. Let’s recap. You had a $500 budget and you spent nearly $1,200 in the blink of an eye. This is POS financing at it’s best. You increased your budget 2.5x by just walking into the store but this happens whether you’re online or in person unfortunately.  Now, on top of your new TV you have your mortgage, Netflix, utilities, new furniture, financed computer, car, new coffee machine and all of a sudden your monthly income is being withered away quickly. Well if we look back into our Savings 101, what is rule #1? Income – Savings = Expenses. What are you doing? Income – Expenses = Savings. Now unfortunately, instead of saving $250 a month you’re saving $210 a month. What did we learn in investing 101? The difference of $50 a month can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars later in life.  Don’t let convenience or monthly costs drive your financial decisions. Make saving your priority and what is left is your disposable income. Understand what is truly valuable and what you need vs. what the store/ media makes you think you want.  Guess what? If you think you’re beating the system

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colorado financial advisors, financial expertise, financial planning
Kevin Taylor

Why I do yoga with the kids

As a dad, I’ve always been on the lookout for fun activities to do with my kids. So when I discovered the benefits of yoga for both physical and mental health, I knew it was something we had to try together. And now, yoga has become a regular part of our routine, bringing us closer together and helping us stay healthy and happy. One of the best things about doing yoga with my kids is the joy of exercising together. We start by rolling out our mats and finding a comfortable position, then we take deep breaths and stretch our bodies. It’s a great way to get our hearts pumping and our muscles moving, all while having fun and laughing together. Another benefit of doing yoga with my kids is the mindfulness and relaxation it brings. We focus on our breath and practice being present at the moment, which helps us to let go of stress and worries. It’s amazing how much calmer and more centered we all feel after a yoga session. But the best part of doing yoga with my kids is the fun and playfulness it brings. We love trying out new poses and challenging each other to see who can hold them the longest. It’s a great way to bond and create memories together, all while improving our flexibility and strength. They are better equipped for yoga than I am, so it pushes me to try new positions and hold some positions longer. The only thing we can’t do in this time together is say the word “Can’t”…that word is off limits and we have to say things like “can’t-yet” or “it’s hard for me, right now” when a pose or move is not yet available to us. It’s a great way to discuss out own limitations, and approach the whole time together with a growth mindset. As a dad, it’s important to me to be a positive role model for my kids and show them the importance of taking care of our bodies and minds. Yoga is a great way to do that, and I love seeing how much my kids enjoy it and how it’s become a part of our family’s healthy lifestyle. So if you’re looking for a fun and playful way to exercise with your kids, give yoga a try. You’ll be amazed at how much joy and relaxation it brings to your family, and how much stronger and more flexible you all become. Namaste!

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