
Financial Planning Dentist
  1. Manage risk, not return – the timeline for college planning is somewhere between 0 and 20ish years. And unlike most of your investments listing the timetable is a non-starter. Families don’t want to see their children delay college because markets are sluggish. So managing the account should center around the timeline and risk, and not exclusively return. 
  2. Keep fees low – over the long-term fees are one of the most important parts of investing, and that is still true for 529s. Using low costs indexes is likely the best way to invest.
  3. Use tax-advantaged accounts – Roths, 529s, really anything that can allow you to continue investing year in and out without consequences on the gains. 
  4. Know your state tax rules – I live in colorado and we have a fantastic tax relationship between income taxes and Colorado-sponsored 529s. Know what that looks like for your state.
  5. Don’t invest in college at the expense of your retirement – if you are planning for both that’s fantastic, but if the committed dollars come at the expense of retirement you need to rethink the strategy. There is no way to finance retirement, and there are ways to finance college.

Find more support for college planning on the InRolled® College Planning page.

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Which debt should you prioritize paying off first? Smaller (car) or bigger (home)?

First, read Best way to get out of debt Now that you’ve read that you know that car debt is erosive debt. At InSight, if we can avoid erosive debt we do. With that being said, you still need to make a decision as to what to pay off.  Income – Savings = Expenses Always prioritize your future rather than paying off debt especially if it’s erosive unless: The interest rate is higher than what you can earn somewhere else. I.e. If you were to invest that money properly in the market and earn overtime 8% and your interest rate on your car is 4% then there is no benefit to paying off your car faster. If you’re someone that can’t stand debt I understand. I’ve known a lot of clients that can stand the thought of having debt and owing someone but try if you can to avoid this thinking. The value of compounding money is way more valuable than the immediate gratification of getting out of debt. Also, on average, people that pay off debt quickly typically find new ways of getting into debt or they start buying things within their budget they don’t need which hurts their future self. A home is a form of accretive debt. Everyone should own one as it helps you grow your net worth. On top of that, there are great tax incentives in the United States to own one so paying it off quickly especially if your interest rate is low which over the past couple of decades they’re at historic lows.  Paying off your house fast is essentially saying that you cannot earn more overtime investing that money than the interest you pay for your house. Unless you have a very high-interest rate (~6%+) it is hard to justify paying something off instead of investing that money. Investing also enables you to pay for unexpected expenses. It gives you your “room for error” to pay for things like a new water heater, roof, plumbing system, etc which is extremely important. Meanwhile, the person focused on paying off their debt may have little to no savings or investments and has to use a credit card (interest rate 18-25%) to pay for that same expense which is exactly where you don’t want to be.  If you found this helpful please share it and/or leave a comment! 

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Boulder Financial Advisors, Planning and Zending
Kevin Taylor

Interested in achieving wealth? Psychology may be a better starting place…

This blog post explores the intriguing relationship between mental well-being and economic prosperity. We delve into the world of economics and psychology to investigate whether therapy, aspirational videos, and antidepressants can pave the way to financial success. In our quest for prosperity, we often focus on tangible solutions such as infrastructure development and economic policies. However, an intriguing and emerging field of economic research is shedding light on the profound impact of psychological interventions on wealth accumulation. In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating intersection of economics and mental well-being, exploring the question: Can therapy, aspirational videos, and even antidepressants pave the way to financial success? In impoverished nations grappling with the aftermath of war, violence, food scarcity, or natural disasters, trauma is pervasive. Psychological interventions hold promise as modest tools for economic self-improvement. For instance, a study in Ethiopia examined the psychological effects of elevating aspirations. Researchers conducted a randomized control trial, screening short films depicting business and entrepreneurial success within the community to one group. Six months later, those who had watched the films had exhibited more work, savings, and investments in education compared to the control group. Even five years down the line, households exposed to the films had accumulated more wealth, and their children had received an additional 0.43 years of education, which is considered quite remarkable. A similar impact was observed in Mexico, where an aspirational video shown to female microenterprise owners resulted in improved business performance through a randomized control trial. Intensive versions of such treatments are likely to be effective. Certain cultures, like the overseas Chinese and Lebanese communities, have traditionally displayed strong entrepreneurial tendencies, benefiting from a steady diet of cultural influences, including parental guidance, peer pressure, aspirational media, music, and television. The question is not whether cultural conditioning works—it does—but rather how effective a smaller, more targeted dose can be. However, some psychological interventions yield only temporary effects. For example, a study in India taught self-efficacy lessons to women, leading to a 32% short-term increase in employment likelihood, but the effects faded within a year. When it comes to psychotherapy, prominent in much of the Western world, evaluating its impact is challenging due to cost and regulatory constraints that hinder randomized control trials. Nevertheless, there are encouraging findings. A survey across lower- and middle-income countries identified 39 studies demonstrating that psychotherapeutic treatments could enhance work-related outcomes, including employment, through randomized control trials. Treating schizophrenia seems to have a particularly significant effect. In Pakistan, mental health treatments for perinatally depressed mothers yielded substantial benefits for their children. In Niger, both psychosocial treatments and cash transfers improved outcomes for recipients, although in Kenya, cash transfers proved cheaper and more effective, though psychotherapeutic treatments did yield some gains. As for antidepressants, economists are only beginning to gather evidence. One study in India found that combining antidepressants with therapy and livelihood assistance had significant positive effects for treated women. Lower depression rates resulted in increased investment in their children and reduced negative life events. While none of these findings conclusively establish a “psychology of poverty” to be addressed through external interventions, they do suggest that less affluent economies can make incremental gains by investing in what we might call psychological and psychotherapeutic infrastructure. These research designs can be applied to hundreds or thousands of people, though implementing them on a nationwide scale remains challenging. Nevertheless, countries can strive to make therapeutic help more accessible and affordable while fostering a culture where seeking help is encouraged. Culture plays a crucial role in economic development, and these small-scale cultural interventions can have a marginal impact. What about the United States, with its abundance of psychotherapeutic ideas, aspirational videos, and antidepressants? It’s hard to say. While the research is in its early stages, it may not be too soon to suggest that, from an economic perspective at least, embracing psychological and pharmaceutical interventions more openly could be better than the alternative.

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