
Tax Mitigation Playbook: 1031 Exchange Pitfalls to Avoid

Financial Planning Dentist

Excess Funds

The identification period of a 1031 exchange refers to the first 45-days when a taxpayer identifies property they would like to acquire as a replacement to their relinquished property. It is common for a taxpayer to identify more than one potential replacement property, but only purchase one. 

If there are excess funds in the exchange account, the QI can return them once an exchange is complete. If the taxpayer has identified more than one potential replacement property the excess funds must remain in the exchange account until the end of the 180-day exchange period. Receiving funds before the end of the exchange period could jeopardize the entire exchange. 

Early Release of Funds

If a taxpayer decides not to move forward with an exchange, they must acknowledge to their QI that they understand they will pay all applicable taxes on the gain. Even so, exchange facilitators are only permitted to disburse funds at particular times for particular reasons. 

The only time someone can terminate an exchange early is at the end of the 45-day identification period. If the taxpayer has not identified a single property by 45 days, they can close their exchange, and the funds can be disbursed. 

If the taxpayer has identified any property, funds must be held until the transaction is complete or at the end of the 180-day exchange period. Suppose an exchange facilitator is found to be deviating from the rules. In that case, failure to comply with regulation could jeopardize any of this taxpayer’s previous exchanges and any other exchanges facilitated by the company.

1031 Exchange Timeline

“Can I start a 1031 exchange after I’ve sold my property?” or “I just closed on my property; can I still do an exchange?” There are a few variations to this question, but ultimately the answer is always the same. No. 

Once you’ve sold and closed on a property, it is no longer eligible for exchange. The taxpayer cannot take actual possession or control the net proceeds from the sale of a relinquished property in a 1031 exchange. An exchanger must contact a QI before selling their property. 

If you find yourself short on time or at the closing table, don’t lose hope with processing an exchange. With the InSight 1031 relationship and Accruit (our technology and service partner) speed and experience The transfer of the relinquished property to the Qualified Intermediary, and the receipt of the replacement property from the Qualified Intermediary is considered an exchange. 

To be compliant with IRC Section 1031, the transaction must be properly structured, rather than being a sale to one party followed by a purchase from another party.

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Kevin Taylor

Meditation, Mindfulness and Money: 4 ways to channel mindfulness into your money

If you’re looking for some broader answers to the ‘universal question’ I’m not your guy and this is not that article. But I will say that after years of thinking the transcendental was not for me, I’ve changed. If it was real, here and now, I would investigate it for legitimacy. If it was ethereal and spiritual it was for guru’s, theologians, monks and priests. But that has changed for me. I now see mindfulness as a tool that has a very real way of actualizing my intentions, and meditation is the gateway to getting in touch with that.  The deliberate focusing of your mind is no more than coaching it to react in a particular way. Drawing from techniques that are metaphysical (more controllable) and shaping the physical (less controllable). So, to cut through the chaos of daily life, and getting your mind thinking about money, or more broadly wealth is no more difficult than coaching it to think more deeply about your family, career, or your other passions.  Visualize your financial goals Players and coaches have for decades now taught visualization as a method for success. Mindfulness allows the player to be mentally prepared for a situation, before they are called on to act in that moment. To see their options and take advantage of opportunity by running through a situation and potential variables. This speeds up decision making ability and allows people to react faster and with a better sense of how a decision reflects the hope of a game plan. They do this to focus the mind on their desired outcome, before the situation arises. Visualization can similarly help you premeditate the outcome you’re seeking for you and your family’s financial future. It is rarely a lack of opportunity that hinders success, but a failure of recognizing that opportunity in the moment it exposes itself. Having coached your mind to see and react to risk and opportunity is something that you mind can be coached into understanding before the opportunity presents itself. Get real about your finances By taking time to reflect and gain comfortability with your financial situation you can become more intimate and realistic with your expectations. By carving out time to reflect on your situation, the calmness of the moment can help you define more achievable outcomes. This is not to say you shouldn’t expect an extravagant life, but to help you control the resources at your disposal and become capable of mastering the decision making process in front of you.  Through meditation you can calm down otherwise erratic parts of life and focus your mind with greater intention. You can isolate the parts about your financial life that bring you joy and contentment and ready your mind to make decisions that have often been the result of emotion or reaction. Deliberately bringing your mind into focus brings clarity to the more important aspects of your life. Mindfulness about your past Meditation can be used to deliberately shape the way you react to a situation. Using mindfulness it can also be used to relive and relearn from events in your past. Taking time to re-feel how a situation in your past affected your present is a way of coaching your mind to learn from those events. By using the emotions which drive so much of our decision making and combining that with the more deliberative parts of the brain, you can combine the events of your past into the reactions you hope are part of your present.  Imagine if you isolate a single event from your past that shaped your current relationship with money. Reflecting through meditation the events that have caused your current understanding of your financial situation and the history you associate with the subject. You can then reimagine the events and outcome from your past. Learn from that very visceral event, and reshape how you would have rather reacted. The goal is not to relive financial missteps that you cannot get back, but to coach your emotional reptilian brain to cede the lead to your primate and more deliberative brain. By reflecting on the emotional drivers in a meditative process you can recognize the leading indicators events and avoid them in your current situation. Discover your money beliefs though mindfulness By channeling meditation time towards your money habits you can have a more complete and intimate relationship with money. Meditation helps you uncover the person you want to be in life, to shape and imagine how that person thinks and reacts to help define what that person’s intentions about money are. We all hold certain money beliefs, usually as a reaction to our emotions with money and lifestyle. One you begin spending even small amounts of time focusing your mind on money and your relationship with it, you’ll find the beliefs you have about money change. Channeling a deliberate intention into your beliefs will develop more positive money reactions, and those reactions will evolve in habits. This process enshrines the positive money outcomes you desire, into tactical decisions you can control. For many this transformation can happen in the way they save which is one of the leading indicators to financial success. They can transform the way they think and transform the way cash flows through their household flow from “income – spend = save” to “income – save = spend.” This shift in the belief that saving is more pressing then spending is not the natural state for most people, until they gain that more intimate and purposeful mindset around the value of saving. Conclusion Becoming more purposeful with your actions and ultimately your money begins with mindfulness. This mindfulness can be the result of focused meditation on the subject. Reshaping to the way you feel about and react to investment situations, market performance, and risk. Finding time to be deliberative about money allows you to cultivate your reaction to your money and better develop the fiscal life you want.  

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Definitions: Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation is how we discuss the percent of assets in one of the four main asset classes. It is the balance of risk and reward and is the most reliable leading indicator of the intermediate and long term trajectory of a portfolio. The Asset Allocation is the first place we can adjust to a client individual’s goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Asset allocation is often displayed as a pie chart and discussed in terms of the ratio. For example, the “60/40” is a shorthand reference to a portfolio that is 60% allocated to equities, and 40% to debt. These are used by many firms to place clients into a suitable collection of investments. The four assets classes we define in Asset Allocation are Equity, Fixed Income, Cash, and Precious metals.

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risk management boulder colorado financial planners
Kevin Taylor

Mastering Risk Management: Crypto Currency Trading and Investing: A Comprehensive Guide

Cryptocurrency trading and investing offer speculative opportunities for wealth accumulation, but they also come with inherent risks. To navigate this volatile landscape successfully, it is crucial to implement robust risk management practices. In this blog post, we will delve into the best risk management practices in crypto trading and investing, including due diligence on housing your crypto and wallets, legal considerations, country party risks, and tax planning and mitigation expectations. Due Diligence on Housing Your Crypto and Wallets Choose Secure Wallets: Ensure you store your cryptocurrencies in secure wallets, such as hardware wallets or reputable software wallets. Research the features, security measures, and user reviews of different wallet options to find the most reliable and suitable solution for your needs. Implement Strong Security Measures: Protect your wallets and crypto assets by utilizing two-factor authentication (2FA), complex passwords, and encryption. Regularly update your software and firmware to benefit from the latest security enhancements. Backup Your Wallets: Create backups of your wallets and store them securely offline. This precautionary step helps safeguard your assets against hardware failures, loss, or theft. Legal Issues with Cryptocurrency Understand Regulatory Frameworks: Stay informed about the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies in your country or jurisdiction. Be aware of any licensing requirements, tax obligations, and reporting regulations applicable to cryptocurrency trading and investing. Comply with AML/KYC Procedures: Adhere to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures when dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges or platforms. These protocols help prevent illegal activities and protect the integrity of the financial system. Seek Professional Advice: If you are unsure about the legal aspects of crypto trading or the tax implications, consult with a qualified legal professional or tax advisor specializing in cryptocurrencies. Counterparty Risks Research Exchanges and Platforms: When engaging in crypto trading, carefully research and choose reputable exchanges and platforms. Look for exchanges with a proven track record, strong security measures, and transparent operations. Consider factors such as liquidity, user reviews, and the exchange’s history of handling security breaches or hacks. Understand Custodial Risks: If you choose to hold your cryptocurrencies on exchanges or with custodial services, be aware of the counterparty risks involved. In such cases, you are relying on the exchange or custodian to safeguard your assets. Assess their security protocols, insurance coverage, and measures for protecting against theft or loss. Consider Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): DEXs offer an alternative to centralized exchanges, as they allow for peer-to-peer trading without relying on a central authority to hold your funds. However, be mindful of the risks associated with using DEXs, such as smart contract vulnerabilities and potential scams. Thoroughly research DEX’s reputation and audit reports before engaging in transactions. Diversify Across Exchanges: Spread your holdings across multiple exchanges to mitigate counterparty risks. By doing so, you reduce the impact of a potential security breach or insolvency of a single exchange. However, remember to conduct thorough due diligence on each exchange to ensure they meet the necessary security standards. Tax Planning and Mitigation Expectations Understand Tax Obligations: Familiarize yourself with the tax laws and regulations related to cryptocurrencies in your country. Understand how capital gains, income from mining, and other crypto-related activities are taxed. Keep Accurate Records: Maintain detailed records of all your cryptocurrency transactions, including purchases, sales, and exchanges. This information will be crucial for accurate tax reporting and potential audits. Seek Professional Tax Advice: Consult with a knowledgeable tax professional experienced in cryptocurrency taxation to optimize your tax planning strategies, take advantage of available deductions, and ensure compliance with tax laws. Regulatory and Legal Changes Stay Informed and Educated: Regularly educate yourself about the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies. Stay updated on proposed regulations, regulatory guidelines, and changes in legislation that impact the crypto industry. Follow reliable news sources, join relevant communities, and engage with industry experts to gain insights into regulatory developments. Research and Understand Local Laws: Thoroughly research and understand the laws and regulations governing cryptocurrencies in your country or jurisdiction. Each region may have its own set of rules regarding trading, taxation, licensing, and reporting requirements. Familiarize yourself with these regulations to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal issues. Engage Legal Professionals: Consider seeking advice from legal professionals specializing in cryptocurrencies. Lawyers experienced in the crypto field can provide valuable insights into regulatory requirements and potential risks. They can help you navigate the legal landscape, ensure compliance, and provide guidance on adapting your strategies to regulatory changes. Monitor Regulatory Agencies: Keep an eye on regulatory agencies responsible for overseeing cryptocurrencies in your jurisdiction. Understand their roles, mandates, and any public statements they issue. By monitoring regulatory agencies, you can gain insights into their stance on cryptocurrencies and potential regulatory directions. Participate in Industry Discussions and Advocacy: Engage with crypto communities and industry associations that advocate for fair and favorable regulations. By participating in discussions and supporting industry initiatives, you can stay informed about regulatory developments and have a voice in shaping the regulatory environment. Collaboration and collective action can positively influence the regulatory landscape. Diversify Across Jurisdictions: Consider diversifying your crypto activities across different jurisdictions with favorable regulatory frameworks. By operating in multiple regions, you can spread regulatory risk and potentially benefit from more crypto-friendly environments. However, always conduct thorough research and comply with the laws and regulations of each jurisdiction. Maintain Compliance and Documentation: Adhere to all applicable regulations, including registration, reporting, and tax obligations. Keep accurate records of your crypto transactions, trades, and investments. Maintain detailed documentation of your compliance efforts, as this will be valuable in demonstrating your commitment to regulatory compliance. Plan for Adaptability: Understand that the regulatory landscape is subject to change. Develop a flexible and adaptable trading strategy that can accommodate potential regulatory shifts. Stay proactive in assessing the impact of regulatory changes on your trading practices, risk management strategies, and tax planning. Regularly review and update your approach to ensure ongoing compliance.   To succeed in crypto trading and investing, effective risk management practices are paramount. Conduct due diligence on securing your crypto and wallets, stay informed

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