
Category: New

Boulder Financial Planning, Financial Expertise
Peter Locke

What is an Estate Plan?

Estate planning is one of the most skipped parts of peoples’ financial lives. Whether you’ve put it off because you didn’t know anything about it, it’s boring, expensive, or because you don’t think you have enough assets, I hope this

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Boulder Financial Advisors, Investment Specialists, Real Estate Advisors
Kevin Taylor

What’s making Real Estate investors “Smile”?

Investing in the property along with demographic trends is a wise and efficient investment strategy because it allows investors to capitalize on the housing, storage, and infrastructure needs of huge swaths of people. For example, as the population ages, there

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Boulder Financial Advisors, Investing,
Kevin Taylor

The Ethical Implications of AI Investing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live and work, and as a result, there has been a surge of interest in AI investing. While AI has the potential to create significant value for investors and society as a

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boulder Colorado, investing expertise, planning and advice
Kevin Taylor

How does the discount window work at the Fed?

The discount window is a tool that the Federal Reserve uses to provide short-term loans to commercial banks that need additional liquidity to meet their daily funding needs. This mechanism is a critical component of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy

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Boulder financial advisors, cash generation investing
Kevin Taylor

How to execute a covered call strategy

If you’re interested in investing in the stock market, you might have heard about a covered call strategy. It’s a popular method that can help you generate income while holding onto your stocks. Here’s a simple guide on how to

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