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Kevin Taylor

Exploring the Groundbreaking Achievements and Capabilities of Google’s DeepMind

Google’s DeepMind has established itself as a leading force in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) research and development. With a mission to “solve intelligence and then use that to solve everything else,” DeepMind has made remarkable advancements in machine learning, reinforcement learning, and other areas of AI. This article will delve into the achievements and capabilities of DeepMind, showcasing its groundbreaking contributions and potential implications for various industries. AlphaGo: Mastering the Game of Go DeepMind gained global recognition in 2016 when its program, AlphaGo, defeated the world champion Go player, Lee Sedol. The ancient game of Go had long been considered an immense challenge for AI due to its complexity and the vast number of possible moves. However, DeepMind’s AlphaGo utilized a combination of deep neural networks and reinforcement learning to surpass human expertise and achieve a superhuman level of play. Healthcare Innovations DeepMind has also made significant strides in the healthcare sector, collaborating with leading medical institutions to develop AI-powered solutions. For instance, in 2018, DeepMind partnered with Moorfields Eye Hospital to develop a deep-learning algorithm capable of detecting eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, from retinal scans. This technology demonstrated an accuracy comparable to that of expert clinicians, highlighting its potential for enhancing early disease diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, DeepMind has worked on predicting patient deterioration in hospitals by leveraging AI algorithms to analyze medical records and vital signs. This research aims to enable healthcare providers to identify patients at risk of deteriorating, allowing for timely interventions and improved patient outcomes. Accelerating Scientific Discoveries DeepMind has been at the forefront of accelerating scientific research through AI. One remarkable achievement is the development of AlphaFold, an AI system designed for protein folding prediction. In the field of biology, understanding protein structures is crucial for comprehending their functions and developing targeted treatments. DeepMind’s AlphaFold leverages deep learning techniques to predict protein structures with exceptional accuracy, surpassing all other methods during the CASP13 competition. This breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize drug discovery, bioengineering, and other areas of life sciences. By providing researchers with highly accurate predictions of protein structures, AlphaFold significantly expedites the process of identifying potential drug targets and understanding the mechanisms of diseases. Ethical Considerations and Advancing AI Safety DeepMind is committed to addressing the ethical and safety implications of AI technology. In 2017, it established the DeepMind Ethics and Society (DMES) research unit to explore the ethical challenges and impact of AI on society. DMES conducts interdisciplinary research and engages in discussions with policymakers, experts, and the public to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI systems. Moreover, DeepMind has actively participated in advancing AI safety. It co-founded the Partnership on AI, a collaborative initiative focused on addressing the global challenges associated with AI development and deployment. DeepMind’s research on reinforcement learning has also contributed to the development of techniques such as reward modeling, which helps in aligning AI systems’ objectives with human values. Google’s DeepMind has continually pushed the boundaries of AI research, achieving groundbreaking milestones and fostering advancements in various domains. From conquering complex games to revolutionizing healthcare and scientific discoveries, DeepMind’s capabilities have showcased the transformative potential of AI. As DeepMind continues to explore new frontiers, its commitment to ethics and safety serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible and transparent AI development. The achievements of DeepMind signify a promising future where AI and human intelligence synergistically solve some of the world’s most challenging problems.

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Kevin Taylor

Better Money Habits: The first 8 “good” money habits (1/2)

Finding yourself in a healthy and happy financial life means practicing better money habits. And, putting you and your family in the best position possible. Raising your income, having income that not employment related, mitigating taxes and positioning your assets in a way to provide maximum benefit for your family are all a part of having “good” money habits. Following these eight very controllable tips will have a positive impact on your families outlook. Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones. ~ Benjamin Franklin By Kevin T. Taylor AIF® and Peter Locke CFP® Pay yourself first For many, money gets mentally earmarked as spending, investing, saving, and giving away.  For some, finding the right balance among these four categories is difficult but essential, and a budget can be a very useful tool to help you accomplish this. So, one of the best better money habits, is paying yourself first. This becomes the mantra for the most successful savers and is the fuel for a financial plan. Here is the two step “Pay yourself first” plan: First create a budget: The only way to start planning is to create a budget. Thinking about both the near-term and long-term financial goals and what a monthly spend looks like and what one you can aspire to have in retirement might look like. This will help generate a baseline for mapping out and putting other better money habits in place. But don’t make the mistake of using this formula, Income – Expenses = Savings. This is the source of most people’s failure to plan. Because it makes you and your future self come last, i.e. the end result of the equation. Create a budget with the future you in mind, that version of your future self is the most important part of the equation. That equation should look like Income – Required Savings = Expenses.  Then create a budget that is less than the expenses amount. Although difficult to implement, this is the priority that financially healthy people adopt. Automate your savings: Making savings a priority in your budget.  Consider determining a specific amount and making a deposit on a regular basis. Think about your 401k or other company contribution plan where funds are taken automatically from your paycheck and deposited in an investment vehicle or savings plan with every run of payroll. Your personal savings plan should be no different.  In order to do this, you need to know your required rate (read and listen to our required rate podcast for more information) so you know how much savings you need to put away at your required rate to reach your goals. Know your tax plan The entirety of the IRS tax plan is complicated, full of loopholes and derived from years of bolting on special interests onto the code. Hence, the process of doing taxes reflects this. But, the second of the better money habits addresses this. At its core there are four main sources of income: Employment, investments, inheritance and windfalls. Each of these sources may be taxed in different ways and at different levels. Have a plan and control what you can control.  Have two plans for how you want to be taxed: Tax plan today: You may not feel like you have a lot of control over how you’re taxed and at what rate. But if you take a step back, you will find you have far more control then you may be aware of. Lets build on the budget example.  If you know exactly what your monthly spend looks like, then you can have more control over the total that goes into pre-tax or after-tax savings options. Think about it this way, if you make $100,000 a year but your budget only requires $80,000, then by letting yourself accept all that income you’re likely surrendering somewhere between $5,000 – $9,000 to taxes of the remaining $20,000. This should be written down as a total loss of income that could have been prevented with the use of a budget and a tax plan. Tax plan tomorrow: Knowing how to mitigate taxes in your working years is great, but having a plan for after retirement may be more important. One of the most tragic events in retirement is being confronted with the risk of a short fall, well into retirement. Finding out that your shortfall was the result of poor tax planning and income management. Having a plan in place in your working years, for how you fund pre-tax, Roth, and post tax savings gives you options for controlling the amount you will pay in taxes in a given year in retirement. This helps elongate the timeline your cash will survive, and gives you flexibility for a changing taxation landscape. Additionally, having a diverse source of cash flow from investments is a better money habits you will develop. If placed in the proper accounts it helps confirm both the amount and source of income throughout retirement. Every dollar that is mitigated in tax planning in retirement, helps to elongate the plan, support measures for unforeseen risks, and adds to your legacy. Remember: Tax nuances exist in every area of wealth planning. There may also be opportunities to incorporate potential tax benefits into your plans but oftentimes there are also negative tax consequences associated with certain decisions. It’s important to step back now to have a vision for yourself, so you can plan accordingly. Additionally, when choosing the best investments for your circumstances, taxes should not be the only consideration.  It’s important to factor in the after-tax rate of return in determining tax-efficient investments. For these reasons, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified tax advisor to ensure your circumstances and needs are appropriately accounted for. Stop living on borrowed time All borrowed money needs to be divided into two camps, accretive and erosive. When you borrow money you are borrowing from that money’s future

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Kevin Taylor

Let Bitcoin Fail

Let Bitcoin Fail Before it becomes, too big to fail also. The Federal Reserve and Treasury need to establish a better policy regarding their role and behavior when Bitcoin fails. Continued ‘bailout’ for speculative players in the market has a critical and damning effect on the rest of us. Taxpayers have already lived through the negative economic and social impacts of watching banks and speculators who took on unjustified risks get reimbursed for their recklessness once this century. Watching banks stash and store cryptocurrencies under the same speculative bubble is foreboding. The U.S. simply cannot afford to bail out speculators who have driven the market of Bitcoin past $1T with no concern for uninsured assets. It is already bad enough that U.S. financial regulators have proven to be ill-equipped to enforce current AML and BSA policies in the wake of crypto adoptions. Financial institutions’ exposure to the crypto-asset industry is affecting their bank’s anti-money laundering compliance and oversight and several years’ worth of infractions are piling up at some of the nation’s biggest banks. Additionally, several of the ‘online’ banks that are continuing to offer crypto-trading as part of their expanded services are doing so without the proper due diligence and vetting of their counterparties. Market regulators aren’t watching closely to see how financial institutions’ exposure to the crypto-asset industry is affecting their banks’ anti-money laundering and compliance. As the broader public becomes more interested in crypto assets, some bank customers are seeking ways to fund crypto trading. In this environment, banks need to assess how these activities are isolated from their current operations and be prepared to mitigate illicit finance risks emanating from these new assets. Additionally, the Fed and FDIC allowing high-risk speculative assets to be connected to U.S. currency is as irresponsible as the housing crisis demonstrated; and these Federal authorities need to make more clear that they will let this speculation fail or rise under its own power and that using taxpayers institutions to protect this asset is not in our best interest and a lesson in moral hazard that should eventually be learned. Suspend FDIC insurance for all banks that continue to mask their crypto-speculation with support and protection of the Fed and the FDIC Now.  Contagion is Spreading As major U.S. Banks are getting swept up into the asset bubble they are taking our oversight and insurance institutions with them. In February the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued a cease and desist order to New York-based Safra Bank. In the order, the OCC cited that “the bank gave accounts to money service businesses (MSBs) that facilitated crypto-asset trading” but that the bank did not “address the increased Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) risks associated with these accounts.” While the OCC has caught this bank, the ecosystem of back offering these ‘crypto trading accounts’ is outpacing the oversight of the banks and regulators. Simply put – the market is growing beyond our ability to control, and U.S. banks supported by the Federal Reserve are connected to this exposure.   In the Safra Bank case, the bank allegedly did not have sufficient transaction monitoring systems in place in the onboarding process to confirm these new “digital asset customers” were legitimate and this caused its volume of domestic and international wires and ACH transfers to spike.  Unfortunately, the OCC has yet to specify the crypto-asset-focused companies involved with Safra’s breach of the KYC ecosystem.  Though the San Francisco Open Exchange (SFOX), has allowed SFOX traders to maintain FDIC-insured cash accounts at the bank. This is general incompetence and complacency that is allowing the crypto asset bubble to contaminate the federally insured accounts at other banks. Liquidity is Drying Up The world’s largest cryptocurrency, bitcoin sits just below $60,000 today, as the total market cap of BTC is above $1.1 trillion. Despite the recent price jump, there is a major concern BTC holders and even non-speculators should be aware of. That is the liquidity of Bitcoin. JP Morgan’s strategist Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou writes “the market liquidity in Bitcoin is significantly lower than S&P 500 and gold.” Panigirtzoglou adds that “even a small change in Bitcoin flows can have a large impact on the price of BTC.” The liquidity issue is driving up the speculative costs of bitcoin but should be a major concern for those that purport the BTC is some kind of store of capital. Low liquidity will have a negative impact on the rash of new Bitcoin lending schemes that are proliferating in the market. Several new companies are offering interest on bitcoin deposits made possible by lending out those coins to speculative investors. As the underlying price of bitcoin rises out of control the borrowers become less and less likely to return the borrowed coin (almost an impossible default rate to handicap). These defaults, coupled with the lack of liquidity, will make it almost impossible for borrowers to cover. If this ‘bank run’ scenario were to play out in cash the Fed can step in to increase liquidity and control interest rates, and the FDIC can insure the lenders against defaults and make them whole. There is no such protection for Bitcoin lenders.   Low Reputation Counter Parties The crypto market has still yet to solve its illegal and illicit underbelly. While widespread adoption is making for more legitimate transactions, it is similarly eroding the capacity of regulators and compliance officers to confirm they are not transacting with corrupting counterparties. While making the ecosystem ‘bigger’ lowers the percentage of bad actors, it also increases their space to hide among legitimate actors. Criminals who keep their funds in cryptocurrency tend to launder funds through a small cluster of online services that exist outside of regulator authority. Essentially saying, banks and speculators are doing business with criminals (if done in dollars is criminal also) but because it’s done in crypto it is willfully existing outside the law. Services like high-risk (low-reputation) crypto-exchange portals, online gambling platforms, cryptocurrency mixing services, and financial services

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