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Property Condition one of the six critical factors in Real Estate investing

When investing in real estate, the property’s condition and age are important factors to consider. The condition of a property can impact its value, cash flow potential, and the amount of maintenance required. Here are some elements to look for and how much due diligence investors should expect to do. Structural Condition: The structural condition of a property is one of the most critical elements to consider. This includes the foundation, walls, roof, and other essential components. A property with a sound structure is more likely to appreciate in value and require less maintenance over time. Mechanical Systems: Mechanical systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC are important to consider when evaluating a property’s condition. These systems can be expensive to repair or replace, so it’s essential to ensure they are in good working condition. Age of Property: The age of a property can impact its condition and potential value. Older properties may require more maintenance and repairs, but they may also have more character and be located in established neighborhoods. Upgrades and Renovations: Properties with recent upgrades and renovations can offer a higher potential return on investment. This includes updates to the kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, and other areas of the property. Location: The property’s location can impact its condition and potential value. Properties in areas with high demand and limited inventory may be in better condition than those in less desirable locations. Due diligence is an important part of investing in real estate. Investors should expect to conduct a thorough inspection of the property, review any available documentation, and seek professional advice from experts such as real estate agents, home inspectors, and contractors. It’s essential to assess the property’s condition and age to ensure that it meets the investor’s criteria and investment goals. In conclusion, the condition and age of a property are important factors to consider before investing in real estate. Investors should conduct due diligence to evaluate the property’s structural condition, mechanical systems, age, upgrades, and location. By doing so, investors can make informed decisions about the potential value and cash flow potential of the property. Investing in a property with good condition and age can be a smart strategy to minimize maintenance costs and maximize the return on investment.

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Boulder financial advisors, cash generation investing
Kevin Taylor

How to execute a covered call strategy

If you’re interested in investing in the stock market, you might have heard about a covered call strategy. It’s a popular method that can help you generate income while holding onto your stocks. Here’s a simple guide on how to execute a covered call strategy. First, let’s understand what a covered call is. A covered call is an options trading strategy where an investor sells a call option on a stock they already own. When you sell a call option, you’re agreeing to sell your stock at a specific price (known as the strike price) to the buyer of the option if they choose to exercise it. Now, let’s get to the steps of executing a covered call strategy: Step 1: Choose a stock to invest in You’ll need to pick a stock that you’re comfortable holding for the long term. This is because when you sell a call option, you’re agreeing to sell your shares if the option is exercised, and you don’t want to be forced to sell a stock you’re not comfortable holding. Step 2: Determine the strike price and expiration date of the call option You’ll need to decide at what price you’re willing to sell your shares if the call option is exercised. This is known as the strike price. You’ll also need to choose an expiration date for the option. This is the date by which the buyer of the option must decide whether to exercise it or not. Working with a financial advisor can be essential for determining the right strike price for a stock when executing a covered call strategy. Financial advisors have the knowledge and experience to analyze market trends, evaluate the risk-reward potential of different stocks, and help you make informed decisions about your investments.  Step 3: Sell the call option Once you’ve chosen the stock, strike price, and expiration date, you’ll need to sell the call option. You can do this through a broker or trading platform. The buyer of the option pays you a premium for the right to buy your stock at the strike price before the expiration date. The result of the premium that you are paid is yours, it can be transferred and used elsewhere, or reinvested to continue your other investment efforts.  Step 4: Wait and see what happens Now you wait and see if the buyer of the option decides to exercise it or not. If the stock price stays below the strike price, the option will expire worthless, and you’ll keep the premium you received for selling the option. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the buyer of the option will likely exercise it, and you’ll sell your shares at the strike price. Step 5: Repeat the process If the option is not exercised, you can repeat the process and sell another call option on the same stock. You can continue to generate income from selling call options on the same stock as long as you’re comfortable holding onto it. To sum it up, executing a covered call strategy involves selling a call option on a stock you already own. By doing so, you receive a premium and generate income while holding onto your shares. Just remember to choose a stock you’re comfortable holding for the long term and to pick a strike price and expiration date that makes sense for your investment goals. Covered call options are one of the many risk management strategies we at InSight develop with clients to help them achieve their financial and risk targets. Contact us today if you have concentrated positions and excess risk from a single stock position.  

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tax planning
Kevin Taylor

Year-End Tax Planning Under the Biden Administration

A lack of political clarity means not knowing whether Democrats can push their legislative agenda faster. If Democrats gain control of the US Senate, Republicans won’t have the control to force legislation gridlock. Therefore, without this crucial information year end planning just got much more difficult as the decision to who has control of the Senate is likely not coming until January 5th, 2021. Currently, Republicans are likely to keep control of the Senate; however, if Democrats seize the two seats in Georgia, then a 50/50 split would mean VP Kamala Harris gets the deciding vote which means Democrats control the Senate.  The question is to act now before years end and push a lot of income to 2020 or hold off and risk having to pay almost twice as much in taxes if the tax code legislation gets passed. Under the Biden administration, the current proposal has ordinary income tax rates for those making $400,000 a year or more increasing substantially and long term capital gains tax rate equal to ordinary income tax rates when in excess of 1 million. For those earners earning just over $400,000 the tax hit will be a tough pill to swallow. The tax on long term capital gains would be at ordinary income tax rates to the extent gains are in excess of >$1mm of income (including non-capital gain income).   One strategy is doing a Roth Conversion (or a Back Door Roth). In short, taking money out of your IRA and converting it to your Roth so you pay taxes now for the long term play of those assets growing tax free). Unfortunately, since the Republicans passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act this decision is now irrevocable. Previously, you used to be able to do a conversion, wait to see if tax law changed, and if it did where it wasn’t beneficial to have done the conversion then you could recharacterize it and pretend you never did it. Now that conversion becomes irrevocable making the decision a more calculated one.  In 2020, the highest capital gains tax rate is 20%. In 2021, the Biden administration has proposed an increase to 39.6%. This increase has a huge impact on whether or not you take gains now and harvest some of your profits as you could potentially decrease your rate by almost half depending on your tax rate. Now these changes will probably not go into effect until 2022, understanding future tax implications will be key as you head into possibly the last year in the next 4 of low tax rates.  Furthermore, as if the situation isn’t already complicated, the Biden administration proposed eliminating the step-up in basis of capital assets at death. For those looking to pass highly appreciated assets to loved ones so they can capitalize on the step up in cost basis which used to be a great strategy, would now force their beneficiaries to pay all taxes on appreciated assets at death which could push them into the highest bracket. A potential increase in taxes in 2021 means accelerating income and deferring deductions when they’re more valuable in 2021. However, if you’re already itemizing deductions then you may benefit from claiming your deductions this year as the new Biden administration proposal would cap itemized deductions benefit at 28%. It may be beneficial to defer for all income earners any deduction that won’t be counted in 2020 into 2021 if there is a chance the rules change. So for example, if you had a $100 of income at the 37% rate then you’d only get a 28% deduction moving forward.  The Qualified Business Income (QBI) under the Biden Proposal could potentially vanish as well. So for small to midsize businesses that aren’t specified service trade companies this will have a substantial impact on their tax liability. The current QBI is a 20% deduction on income <$400,000 and without that decrease income business owners could face a large jump in their tax rate. This now increases the potential benefit to accelerate business income into 2020.  Another change could come from SALT legislation. What will happen to the $10,000 SALT next year? This year, 2020, most likely nothing is going to change. But next year, if you’ve already reached your 10k limit on SALT then paying them today has zero benefit; however, pushing your estimated tax payments or deferring your property tax till Jan 1, 2021 at least gives you a chance to benefit.  Looking ahead, there could potentially be a large shift in how we use retirement vehicles. The current plans clearly benefit high income earners by making large contributions to IRAs/401ks and reducing their income tax liability dollar for dollar while lower income earners benefit from contributing to Roth IRAs at currently low tax rates and letting that money grow tax-free. However, with the proposal now, the lower your income the more it makes sense to use a Traditional IRA, and the higher the income, the Roth is more likely to give you a better tax break.  The higher your marginal rate is over ~26% the more it makes sense to use a Roth as the new legislation is a flat tax credit for everyone. So if you’re in the 37% tax bracket, there is a negative delta of 11%, so using a Roth is more beneficial. If let’s say you’re in the 10% tax bracket, you’re getting a credit of 26% giving you a positive delta of 16% which then could be used to do a conversion (Roth Conversion) of $16,000 as the credit would pay for your tax bill.  Other changes include: Expanded Child Tax Credit $3,600 for children <6 $3,000 for children 6-16 Expanded Child and Dependent Care credit $8,000 for a single child $16,000 for two or more children First Time Homebuyer Credit $15,000 Advanceable and refundable New Caregiver Credit $5,000 No 1031 exchanges for taxpayers with income > $400,000 (inclusive or exclusive of capital gain income is unknown). For those fortunate enough to have

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