
Tag: Basics

Kevin Taylor

529 College Planning: 102

Types of 529 plans This is one of the largest hang-ups for savers. A history of misinformation and contamination between different types of 529s has generated several misnomers. Simply put: 529 plans are usually categorized as “prepaid tuition” or “college

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Kevin Taylor

529 College Planning: 101

The Origin on 529s The origin story of the 529 program goes back to the Michigan Education Trust (MET) in 1986. A state-run program that supported colleges saving devoid of state income taxation.  529 plans are named after Section 529

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combining my 401(k)s
Peter Locke

Combining my 401(k)s

Have you wondered, should I be Combining my 401(k)s? your not alone and we have written the below guide to whether or not its going to be right for you and your strategy. After a decade working with clients the

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Investment Bias: Hindsight

Hindsight bias is reading beneficial past events obviously predictable, and bad events as not predictable and without cause (called black swans). In the decade between 1999 and 2009, we have many explanations for poor investment performance. Brokers and talking heads

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Investment Bias: Bandwagon Effect (or Groupthink)

The bandwagon effect, or groupthink, describes gaining comfort in something because many other people do the same. After all, “there is safety in numbers” correct? This is a falsehood. But let’s separate bandwagon-ing, from conventional wisdom. There is value that

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Investment Bias: Information

Information bias is the tendency to evaluate useless or the wrong information when determining value. It’s the belief that certain commonly held data points are helpful in understanding the value of an investment, when they may not be. The key

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Investment Bias: Confirmation

Confirmation bias is the natural human tendency to seek specific supportive sources, or overemphasize information confirming our decisions. People will often come to a conclusion, then seek information confirming the decision. Think about buying a car, once you bought the

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Investment Bias: Endowment Effect

This is the belief that you own a “winner” and you will keep that winner for reasons that aren’t justified by the return. Owning companies is fun, and investors like to celebrate their victory over the market by stashing great

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Investment Bias: Loss Aversion

Loss aversion is the tendency for people to strongly prefer avoiding losses at the detriment to obtaining gains. This puts an unnecessary fear on an investment not supported by the risk prima. This might be one of the most common

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Investment Bias: Anchoring

Everyone has heard a mantra about first impressions and their lasting impact. That works for investors too. Because our brains thrive on recognizing patterns and the relationship one element has with another. This mental phenomena is called anchoring.  This want

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Definitions: Fiduciary

A fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons. They at all times must put their clients’ interest ahead of their own. Being a fiduciary thus requires being bound both legally and ethically

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Peter Locke

A December to Remember may have heard some of these eye catching sales promotions where a guy buys a new car and puts a giant bow on it to surprise his wife. First, under no circumstances should you buy a $50k car without

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