
Tax Mitigation Playbook: The Basic’s of a 1031

Financial Planning Dentist

45 Days

You have 45 days after the sale of your relinquished property to identify your replacement property(ies). Identification of replacement properties must be unambiguous, using a legal description or physical address. It must be in writing, dated, signed, and received by your QI within the 45 days. The 45-day requirement is strictly enforced with no option for extension.

180 Days

You have 180 days after the sale of your relinquished property to purchase your replacement property(ies). The 180-day requirement is strictly enforced with no option for extension. Additionally, your replacement period could be shorter if your tax return due date is prior to the expiration of the 180 days, if that is the case you will want to file an extension on your tax filing.

ID Rules

The IRS provides three rules in which you can identify your replacement property(ies). The most common being the 3-property rule, simply put you can identify three properties. The 200% rule allows you to identify more than three properties so long as the fair market value of all properties does not exceed 200% of the sales price of your relinquished property. Lasting the 95% rule states that should you over identify the first two rules than you have to receive 95% in value of what was identified.

Like Kind

For a 1031 exchange to be valid, your properties must be like-kind. As it pertains to real estate, all real estate is like-kind to other real estate. Some examples would include: an apartment complex exchange for a cell tower easment; an office building for farm land; or a rental home for water rights. Generally speaking, the only real estate that does not qualify under a 1031 exchange is a vacation home and personal primary residency.

ID Rules to Purchase

You have to option to purchase one or all of the properties you identified, you are not required to purchase all identified properties. Identifying more than one property just provides you with more options to ensure you have a replacement property within the 180-day exchange period.

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Kevin Taylor

What does the Nasdaq rebalancing mean for portfolios?

News from Reuters about a “special rebalance” happening in the Nasdaq 100 index is making headlines – but what does it mean for investors who use benchmarks and indexes to drive their performance? The Nasdaq exchange operator (NDAQ) is taking this step to reduce the dominance of heavyweight companies that currently account for almost half of the index’s weight. This year, the Nasdaq 100 index has experienced a significant 37.5% surge, largely driven by the remarkable rally in growth and technology stocks. In comparison, the benchmark S&P 500 (SPX) has seen a more modest gain of 14.8%. Companies such as Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), Nvidia (NVDA), (AMZN), and Tesla (TSLA) currently hold a combined weight of 43.8% in the index as of Monday’s close. However, as part of the rebalance, their collective weight will be reduced to 38.5%. The concern behind this special rebalancing is that these few major names are potentially distorting the overall health of the stock market. The changes in the index will be based on the number of shares outstanding as of July 3. Nasdaq announced the adjustments on July 14, and they will take effect before the market opens on July 24. A special rebalancing like this is part of Nasdaq 100’s methodology to comply with a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule on fund diversification. This has occurred twice before, in 2011 and 1998, the global head of index product and operations at Nasdaq. If the aggregate weight of companies with more than 4.5% weight in the index exceeds 48%, a special rebalancing is triggered. During the rebalancing, this weight is capped at 40%. Microsoft has the highest weight at 12.91%, followed by Apple at 12.47%, Nvidia at 7.04%, Amazon at 6.89%, and Tesla at 4.50%, according to Refinitiv data. The recent surge in Tesla’s shares pushed the aggregate weight above 48%, prompting the rebalance. The article also discusses the possibility of a similar rebalancing in the S&P 500, which takes place when the aggregate weight of companies with a weight greater than 4.8% exceeds 50% of the total index, according to S&P Dow Jones Indices. The changes in the Nasdaq 100 index are expected to impact investment funds that track it, including the popular $200 billion Invesco QQQ ETF (QQQ). The rebalancing will likely require portfolio managers to increase their positions in smaller companies, potentially boosting their share prices. Following the news, Apple and other mega-cap stocks experienced some declines. Apple, which had recently reached a market capitalization of $3 trillion, fell 1% on Monday, while Microsoft, Alphabet, and Amazon also saw declines ranging from 0.7% to 2.5%.

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What strategies can you use for bigger purchases? Mortgage to buy new home

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Kevin Taylor

How to develop a maintenance plan for your Rental Property

Investing in real estate can be a smart move, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges of owning a real estate investment is maintaining the property. Without proper maintenance, the property can deteriorate quickly, leading to a decrease in value and potential rental income. Developing a maintenance plan for your real estate investment can help prevent this from happening. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you can take to develop a maintenance plan for your real estate investment. Conduct a Property Inspection Before you can develop a maintenance plan, you need to know what needs to be maintained. Conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify any issues that need to be addressed. This can include everything from minor repairs, such as leaky faucets or loose doorknobs, to major repairs, such as a leaking roof or foundation issues. Prioritize Maintenance Tasks Once you have identified the maintenance issues, prioritize them based on their level of urgency. For example, a leaking roof should be addressed immediately, while a loose doorknob can wait until the next scheduled maintenance visit. Prioritizing maintenance tasks will help you allocate your time and resources more effectively.   Set a Maintenance Schedule Once you have prioritized the maintenance tasks, develop a maintenance schedule that outlines when each task will be completed. This can include routine maintenance tasks, such as changing air filters and inspecting HVAC systems, as well as more complex tasks, such as painting and landscaping. Be sure to schedule maintenance tasks based on their level of urgency. Hire Professional Help Some maintenance tasks require the expertise of a professional. Identify which tasks require professional help and hire a qualified contractor to complete them. This can include tasks such as electrical work, plumbing repairs, and roofing maintenance. Hiring professional help ensures that the job is done right the first time and can save you time and money in the long run. Set a Maintenance Budget Maintaining a property can be expensive, especially if major repairs are needed. Set a maintenance budget to ensure that you have the funds to cover routine maintenance tasks as well as unexpected repairs. Be sure to include the cost of hiring professional help in your budget. Keep Records Finally, keep a record of all maintenance tasks completed, including the date, description of the work, and any expenses incurred. This can help you stay organized and keep track of when routine maintenance tasks need to be completed. It can also be helpful if you decide to sell the property in the future, as potential buyers will want to know that the property has been well-maintained. In conclusion, developing a maintenance plan for your real estate investment is an important step in ensuring that your property remains in good condition and retains its value. By conducting a property inspection, prioritizing maintenance tasks, setting a maintenance schedule and budget, hiring professional help when needed, and keeping records of all maintenance tasks, you can stay on top of maintenance issues and prevent them from becoming major problems.

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