
How to develop a maintenance plan for your Rental Property

Financial Planning Dentist

Investing in real estate can be a smart move, but it comes with its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges of owning a real estate investment is maintaining the property. Without proper maintenance, the property can deteriorate quickly, leading to a decrease in value and potential rental income. Developing a maintenance plan for your real estate investment can help prevent this from happening. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you can take to develop a maintenance plan for your real estate investment.

Conduct a Property Inspection

Before you can develop a maintenance plan, you need to know what needs to be maintained. Conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify any issues that need to be addressed. This can include everything from minor repairs, such as leaky faucets or loose doorknobs, to major repairs, such as a leaking roof or foundation issues.

Prioritize Maintenance Tasks

Once you have identified the maintenance issues, prioritize them based on their level of urgency. For example, a leaking roof should be addressed immediately, while a loose doorknob can wait until the next scheduled maintenance visit. Prioritizing maintenance tasks will help you allocate your time and resources more effectively.

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Set a Maintenance Schedule

Once you have prioritized the maintenance tasks, develop a maintenance schedule that outlines when each task will be completed. This can include routine maintenance tasks, such as changing air filters and inspecting HVAC systems, as well as more complex tasks, such as painting and landscaping. Be sure to schedule maintenance tasks based on their level of urgency.

Hire Professional Help

Some maintenance tasks require the expertise of a professional. Identify which tasks require professional help and hire a qualified contractor to complete them. This can include tasks such as electrical work, plumbing repairs, and roofing maintenance. Hiring professional help ensures that the job is done right the first time and can save you time and money in the long run.

Set a Maintenance Budget

Maintaining a property can be expensive, especially if major repairs are needed. Set a maintenance budget to ensure that you have the funds to cover routine maintenance tasks as well as unexpected repairs. Be sure to include the cost of hiring professional help in your budget.

Keep Records

Finally, keep a record of all maintenance tasks completed, including the date, description of the work, and any expenses incurred. This can help you stay organized and keep track of when routine maintenance tasks need to be completed. It can also be helpful if you decide to sell the property in the future, as potential buyers will want to know that the property has been well-maintained.

In conclusion, developing a maintenance plan for your real estate investment is an important step in ensuring that your property remains in good condition and retains its value. By conducting a property inspection, prioritizing maintenance tasks, setting a maintenance schedule and budget, hiring professional help when needed, and keeping records of all maintenance tasks, you can stay on top of maintenance issues and prevent them from becoming major problems.

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Market InSights
Kevin Taylor

There Is Too Much Money

You read that right, there is simply too much cash in the capital markets to not see a handful of effects that could impact your investments and plan. The supply of money floating around is massive right now. There is a lot of risk, COVID has us concerned about the economics of the coming year, but it’s getting harder and harder to ignore how much cash has been made available. Even relative to itself, it’s a volume of cash in the money supply that will take at least a decade to settle into long term investments, or be recaptured by the Fed. At the beginning of the year there was roughly $15T in circulation held in cash and cash equivalents. We are in December and the number is closer to $19T of more highly liquid cash in the world. This $4T expansion in only 12 months is remarkable. Here’s some history on money supply. It took until 1997 to reach the first $4T in circulation, the decade from 2009 to 2019 saw that supply double from $8T to almost $16T (the fastest doubling ever), resulting in a major part of the expansion of the stock market for that decade. Now, in twelve months we have seen a flood of almost 27% more money in the supply than there was at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.  One of the best leading indicators for where capital markets are headed, can be found in how much money, especially highly liquid money like cash, is available in the system. This is a reflection of how big the pie is. Usually in investments we are focused on cash flow, and a companies market share – or how effective a company is at capturing cash flow from a given size of market. That’s becoming less relevant as the sheer volume of cash has exploded. The pie is so big right now that there will have to be a a few notable adjustments to make: Inflation – While I have heard that Jerome Powell has not registered an increase in inflation yet, it is hard to believe that as the newly introduced money will not have an expansive effect on the costs of goods and services. Many mark the inflation rate off the CPI, grievances with that benchmark aside, it would be irresponsible to assume that the basket of securities they mark to market does not see an above average increase as more money finds its way into the same number of consumer goods. Additionally, elements like rents will see a disproportionate increase in the coming decade because while supply of say consumer goods will increase quickly to capture this cash, construction of rental properties is a less reactive market and a slower roll out to correct the market. In the meantime expect rental costs and revenues to see above average inflation figures.  Interest Rates – Permanently impaired. As I write this the current observation, the 10 year US Treasury is paying 0.9%, a third of where it was even 2 years ago. It is heard to believe that such a robust introduction of cash doesn’t become a permanent downward pressure on fixed income assets for the foreseeable future. Unless there is a formal and aggressive contraction of the money supply, it will take decades for the amount of cash in circulation to let up that downward pressure on bonds. Interest rates in short term assets will be particularly affected as the demand has become less appetizing in contrast to long term debt, and the supply of cash is chasing too small of demand.  Equities – The real benefactor here. It is hard not to believe that over the course of the coming decade, this cash infusion doesn’t trickle its way up and into the stock market and other asset values. Generally the most “risky” part of the market is the historically the benefactor of excesses in cash. Companies will do what they do best and capture this supply of cash through normal operations, this will expand their revenues and ultimately the bottom line. Additionally, the compressed borrowing costs from low interest rates will lower their operating costs. Compound the poor risk reward ratio in bonds and you will see more of those investments seek out stocks, real estate, and other capital assets. This sector will see a virtuous combination of more revenue, and more demand for shares. Expect permanently elevated P/E reads for the time being.   

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Zending, Boulder Financial Planners and Advisors
Kevin Taylor

Zending: The Art of Mindful Spending and Lasting Joy

In the quest for financial stability and discipline, it’s common to be besieged by feelings of guilt and unease whenever we spend money on non-essentials. However, there exists a sweet spot where financial responsibility and pleasurable spending merge harmoniously. This sweet spot is known as “Zending,” a fusion of Zen (meaning complete and absolute peace) and spending. This article dives into the harmonious joy of Zending and how it can redefine our relationship with money. Understanding Zending Zending isn’t about spending extravagantly or living frugally. It’s about experiencing genuine happiness and peace in the spending choices you make, rooted in the confidence that you’re living within your means and aligning with your financial plan. The Power of Guilt-free Spending We’ve all been there: the thrill of purchasing followed by the sinking feeling of buyer’s remorse. But imagine a world where every penny you spend is accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction, a knowledge that you’re not compromising your future for immediate gratification. Guilt-free spending isn’t about how much or how little you spend. It’s about ensuring every dollar aligns with your personal and financial goals. The Zending Framework Mindfulness in Finance: Begin with a clear understanding of your current financial status. Be honest about your income, expenses, debts, and savings. This foundation is crucial for any financial plan. Budgeting with Purpose: Rather than a restrictive tool, view your budget as a reflection of your values and desires. Allocate funds for necessities, savings, investments, and personal pleasures. Plan and Prioritize: Establish clear financial goals. This might be a yearly vacation, monthly dinners at your favorite restaurant, or saving for early retirement. Knowing what you’re working towards will make spending and saving more purposeful. Savor Every Purchase: When you buy something within the framework of your budget and plan, relish it. You’ve earned this without compromising your future. Review and Adjust: Like any other strategy, it’s essential to periodically review your financial plan. As life changes, so do our needs and desires. Adjust your plan to stay aligned with your goals. The Joy of Zending in Action Imagine you’ve always dreamt of vacationing in the Maldives. With Zending, you would: Budget for it: Save a portion of your monthly income for this trip. Plan the Details: Research accommodations, flights, and activities, and allocate funds accordingly. Experience the Vacation with Complete Presence: Once you’re on the trip, every experience is enriched with the knowledge that you’ve planned for it. Every dinner, activity, and souvenir is devoid of financial guilt or stress. You get to be fully immersed in the joy you have designed without the concerns for costs, and the ramifications for enjoying your time on this vacation.  Return with Joy: Once back, instead of dreading credit card bills, you return to your regular life, content and ready for your next Zending adventure. Conclusion Zending offers a refreshing perspective on spending. By approaching our finances with mindfulness and intention, we can derive genuine, long-lasting joy from our expenditures. In a world where consumerism often leads to stress and remorse, Zending serves as a reminder that it’s entirely possible to find peace, pleasure, and purpose in the way we spend.

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Kevin Taylor

Financial Plan Principles For Dentists

Dentists have a unique professional path so they should have a unique financial plan. They can double as a full-time practitioner and a CEO of the practice at the same time. With this opportunity, they can have a rewarding career and secure their financial future. However, as a dentist, you can only have the financial future you desire with proper financial planning. This is not rocket science. Nothing special can be built without proper planning and management. By Kevin T. Taylor AIF® and Peter Locke CFP® Dental professionals have the responsibility to learn the key principles of financial planning and wealth accumulation for themselves, their family, practice, and staff. For these priorities, dentists should work side by side with a dental-centric financial advisor. A dental financial advisor can help you create a financial plan and provide you with a perfect place to start your journey of financial stability and prosperity. Whether you want to discuss investments, savings, spending, taxes, corporate retirement, or legacy planning, you will find help with InSight. Here are key financial principles to help dental professionals stay atop their finances. Quit the chase, have a real financial plan If you are in a chase with your colleagues or you have a certain amount of money you want to make, quit now. Who cares if your colleagues have the latest cars or tech.  Also, I promise you, when you reach that dollar amount, you’ll want more. Take time to think about what success looks like to you, who you want to do it with, and what it involves you doing or having.  Then build a plan to get there. Financial freedom means maintaining your current spending and not working. We will work for you and share our insight to guide you there. Protect your assets with financial planning You want to make sure you protect your gains over the years and your income. Make sure you have health and life insurance, car and home insurance, disability insurance, and business coverage. Have everything that protects your asset so that the wealth you’ve amassed over the years doesn’t erode. Let’s be clear, this is not a pitch to buy more insurance.  Having a well thought out risk management plan means knowing how much and what kind of insurance you need.  It means investing in yourself to protect your net worth and the others you support. Save, and keep saving Don’t stop saving! We coach clients to know exactly what their saving rate is, and it should be something you can quote. Not only do our clients know their savings rate, they know what their target rate is and why it’s important to their plan. Set up a savings plan that is automatic, goes into the right account, and immediately gets to work for you. There’s a reason why your 401(k) and home are typically your biggest assets.  You don’t look at them, tinker with them, or make emotional decisions with them. When’s the last time you sold your house because the value went down 2%? Never.  Treat your investments the same way. Our clients are coached to not only manage risk on their liabilities with insurance, they are managing the risk of cash flow disruption with savings and investments. One of the best advantages to having savings and investment accounts is that it can serve as an emergency source of funds for urgent situations personally or in your dental practice. That way, you don’t have to run around looking for loans or another way to accumulate more debt (unless it makes sense given your circumstance). If you aren’t saving yet, start now.  If you don’t know if you’re saving enough, schedule a consultation. Consider Tax Planning Tax planning is important and should be taken very seriously. Clients often spend too much time fretting over markets and returns, and not nearly enough time having a plan for taxes. For the amount of time spent, you are far more likely to impact your net worth by having a deliberate tax strategy year in and year out, and more so in retirement then you’re by picking the right stock and timing the market. For example, being able to take 1 million and outperform the S&P 500 for a decade would net you about $215,000, but to move from an effective tax rate of 39% to 37% could net you almost $300,000 in positive net worth. Tax planning and a comprehensive tax strategy is a far more predictable and efficient way to maximize the value of a financial plan.  Also, ensuring you’re paying the appropriate amount in estimated taxes means being a good bookkeeper. Whether you’re doing this yourself (we don’t recommend) or delegating it to a third party, understanding what’s happening on a monthly basis can mean a huge difference in your tax liability.  Understand your estimated tax number so you can utilize your cash in more effective ways than paying Uncle Sam early or being stuck with a huge tax burden at the end of the year.  Wouldn’t you rather pay yourself, practice, employees, or family? You must consider the total impact on your investment strategy to avoid eroding your returns. Tax planning helps you to learn what is worth investing in, and how best to impact the trajectory of your financial plan. Seek professional advice to polish your Financial Plan Dentists have lots of opportunities in their tax strategy and in investment options. Both determining what your tax strategy looks like in retirement and in the current tax year are important leading indicators of financial success. Being able to see the cash flow of your investments, and the long term impact they will have on retirement puts you in the driver’s seat. You need the right financial advice, guidance, and planning so you can ensure that you stay on top of your finances and business. InSight has developed the P.E.A.K Process®, a game changing way practices take control of their finances and digest the actionable information routinely. Our clients work

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