
What is a Credit Freeze? and How can you use it for Cyber Risk Management?

Financial Planning Dentist

Here’s how you can freeze your credit to protect yourself from identity theft and fraud. It’s free to file a credit freeze, and don’t worry, it won’t have any negative impact on your credit. This is the most secure method of risk management on your credit – if you have no near or intermediate need to establish a new line of credit (i.e. a new credit card, home or car purchase) then this is a full lockout from credit predators. 

What is a Credit Freeze?

A credit freeze, also known as a security freeze, is a powerful tool that helps safeguard your credit reports. By implementing a credit freeze, you block unauthorized individuals from accessing your credit reports and prevent them from opening fraudulent accounts in your name. 

When you apply for credit, such as a loan or credit card, the lender or card issuer usually checks your credit history to make an informed decision. However, if your credit is frozen, the potential creditor is unable to access the necessary data to approve the application. This provides an added layer of protection against identity theft and fraudulent activities.

By initiating a credit freeze, you take control of who can access your credit information. It puts a barrier in place, ensuring that only authorized entities can view your credit reports. This proactive measure significantly reduces the risk of scammers misusing your personal information to exploit your credit and financial well-being.

Remember, a credit freeze is a powerful tool to protect your credit and prevent unauthorized access. It gives you peace of mind and empowers you to take charge of your financial security.

When should you get a Credit Freeze?

Knowing when to get a credit freeze is crucial for protecting your financial well-being. Here are some instances where freezing your credit is highly recommended:

  • Not actively seeking credit: If you’re not currently in the process of applying for a new credit card, loan, or any other form of credit, it’s wise to freeze your credit. By doing so, you create a proactive barrier against potential identity theft and unauthorized access to your credit reports. With the ease and cost-free nature of credit freezes today, it’s a recommended practice for all consumers to safeguard themselves in this way.
  • Suspected data compromise: If you suspect that your data, such as your Social Security number or other identifying information, may have been compromised, it’s crucial to get a credit freeze. This is particularly important in the event of a data breach, where your sensitive information could be at risk. By freezing your credit, you prevent fraudsters from exploiting your compromised data to open fraudulent accounts or commit identity theft.

Your Social Security number is especially vital to protect, as it holds significant value for potential identity thieves. If there’s any indication that your Social Security number may have been disclosed, initiating a credit freeze becomes even more crucial.

In summary, it’s advisable to freeze your credit when you’re not actively seeking new credit and as a proactive measure to protect yourself against potential data breaches or compromised personal information. By taking these preventive steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to identity theft and financial fraud.

How to Freeze Your Credit:

First, you’ll need to reach out to each of the three credit bureaus individually to freeze your credit. Take note of these names: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can contact them through the following methods:

  • Equifax: Give them a call at 800-349-9960 or visit their website. You can also find a step-by-step guide for freezing your credit with Equifax.
  • Experian: Go online to initiate the freeze or call 888-397-3742 for more information. If you need a detailed walk-through, we have a guide for freezing your credit with Experian as well.
  • TransUnion: Call them at 888-909-8872 or visit their website. You can find a comprehensive guide for freezing your credit with TransUnion.

Remember, freezing your credit with these three major bureaus should be your top priority. However, for an extra layer of security, you can also freeze your credit report with two lesser-known credit bureaus that may have information about you:

  • Innovis: Reach out to them at 866-712-4546 or visit their website.
  • National Consumer Telecom & Utilities Exchange: Contact them at 866-349-5355 or visit their website.

Before initiating the credit freeze, it’s a good idea to gather all the necessary documents. While the specific requirements may vary slightly among the credit bureaus, you will generally need to provide the following information:

  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Address

Depending on how you choose to initiate the credit freeze (online, by phone, or by mail), you might also need additional documents, such as:

  • Copy of your passport, driver’s license, or military ID
  • Copy of tax documents, bank statements, or utility bills
  • Proof of address, such as a utility bill

If you opt for a phone freeze, be prepared to answer some authentication questions as well.

Once the credit freeze is in place, your credit file will be secure until you decide to lift the freeze temporarily. This is necessary when you want to apply for new credit.

To unfreeze your credit, simply visit the website of the credit bureau and use the same account you used to freeze your credit. Alternatively, you may be able to unfreeze your credit by phone or postal mail by providing certain verifying information. Unfreezing typically takes effect within minutes if you do it online unless you choose postal mail.

There are various reasons why you might need to unfreeze your credit temporarily. For example, when applying for a new credit card, loan, rental apartment, or cell phone, the lender will need to check your credit. Some “buy now, pay later” services, like Affirm, also require you to lift credit freezes at all bureaus where they’ve been placed.

When unfreezing your credit, keep these tips in mind:

  • Visit the website of the credit bureau where you originally froze your credit. Use the same account you used to initiate the freeze to unfreeze your credit. Most credit bureaus also offer alternative methods like phone or postal mail if you can provide certain verifying information. However, note that if you choose postal mail, the unfreezing process may take longer. In most cases, unfreezing your credit online takes effect within minutes of the request.

Reasons for unfreezing your credit may include:

  • Applying for new credit: If you’re in the market for a new car, mortgage, rental apartment, or cell phone, the lender will likely check your credit to assess your ability to make payments. In such cases, it’s necessary to temporarily lift the freeze on your credit.
  • Using “buy now, pay later” services: Some online shopping platforms, like Affirm, may require you to lift the credit freezes at all bureaus where you’ve placed them to use their services.

When it comes to unfreezing your credit, consider these tips:

  • For a single credit application, unfreeze only at the relevant bureau: If a creditor informs you which credit bureau they will use to check your credit, you can unfreeze your credit at that specific bureau, rather than all three major bureaus.
  • When shopping around for credit, lift freezes at all three bureaus: If you’re applying with multiple lenders within a short period, it may be beneficial to lift the freeze at all three major credit bureaus to ensure a smooth application process.
  • Set a time limit for peace of mind: You can choose to unfreeze your credit for a specified time, after which the freeze will automatically resume. This option relieves the pressure of remembering to restart the freeze manually. However, it’s essential to provide lenders with enough time to check your credit. Keep in mind that applying for a mortgage usually requires a longer time compared to a car loan.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently manage the process of unfreezing your credit and ensure smooth access to new credit opportunities when needed.

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A “Catch All” Retirement Plan Annual Contribution Max: $6,000 or $7,000 if over 50 years old.  Why we like Traditional IRA’s: Available to anyone Wide variety of investment choices Total control over the amount of control you want Ability to get Fiduciary level investment advice Easy to set up and contribute Tax-deferred growth Can make deductible Nondeductible contributions (these types of contributions are typically used for roth conversions or stashing more money away in tax deferred investments without the tax benefit now) Why we don’t like Traditional IRA’s: Low contribution limits Limited creditor protection No access to loans Income restrictions Can’t take out without penalty until 59 ½ unless you have a qualifying event  The InSight-full® financial plan will almost certainly have one of these as a core component for tax mitigation. An IRA is an Individual Retirement Arrangement and most investors will have at least one of these. A traditional IRAs is a tax-deferred savings plan that is mostly a “catch all” for any plan that savers have had in the past because it preserves the qualified status {not a Qualified account like a 401(k)} of those dollars.  The IRA is rarely the best option for maximizing current contributions. Anyone, regardless of age, can contribute to a traditional IRA provided that you have earned income. An IRA may be your only option if you don’t have access to an employer plan or you’re not self-employed. Traditional IRAs look a lot like a 401(k)’s, including the way it handles taxation and income. The contributions you make can reduce your taxable income (if you fall under the income limits for IRAs) for that year, and the money grows tax-deferred until you begin withdrawing on it.  Let’s highlight the differences you’ll see from a 401(k).  First, the contribution limits are much lower: $6,000 in 2020, or $7,000 if you’re 50 or older. Second, you will have broad choices between many different financial-services companies, and each of those companies may include a much wider range of investment options and strategies including stocks, bonds, ETFs as well as mutual funds insurance or even non-marketed securities. In some cases, we will use both an IRA and a 401(k) in the same year, but be careful: your IRA contributions may not be tax-deductible unless your income is below a threshold amount requiring some additional work to be done safely.

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Kevin Taylor

Pros, Cons, and Risks in a Delaware Statutory Trusts (DST)

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