
Tax Mitigation Playbook: What Is Depreciation and Why Is It Important to a 1031 Exchange?

Financial Planning Dentist

Depreciation is a major part of the appeal of real estate ownership. Taking the “wear and tear” of a property as a loss against the rental gains makes a huge impact on the personal tax strategy.

But the effect of Depreiscation is an essential concept for understanding the true benefits of a 1031 exchange and where the taxes ultimately catch up, to the investor. 

This is Key:

Depreciation is the percentage of the cost of an investment property that is written off every year, recognizing the effects of wear and tear. Before you sell, or even list a property, you should know what the amount you have deprecated is, and what you can expect as part of the depreciation “recapture.” 

When a property is sold, capital gains taxes are calculated based on the property’s net-adjusted basis, which reflects the property’s original purchase price, plus capital improvements minus depreciation.

If a property sells for more than its depreciated value, you may have to recapture the depreciation. That means the amount of depreciation will be included in your taxable income from the sale of the property.

Since the size of the depreciation recaptured increases with time, you may be motivated to engage in a 1031 exchange to avoid the large increase in taxable income that depreciation recapture would cause later on. 

Depreciation recapture will be a factor to account for when calculating the value of any 1031 exchange transaction—it is only a matter of to what degree.

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Kevin Taylor

Is a U.S. Housing Market Crash Inevitable?

It is almost inevitable that housing correction is coming. Most of the upswing nationally in housing prices is caused by low borrowing rates. A mortgage payment is mostly made up of three different columns 1) Principle 2) Interest 3) Other required costs of homeownership like insurance and taxes. The bulk of the payment comes from the first two.  Banks start the process by determining your “ability-to-repay” the debt. This comes to a given amount that they assume borrowers can repay, let’s say this number is $100 a month. This means you are approved if Principle, Interest, and Other Costs can come to less than $100 a month. So all of the “costs” combined need to stay below that mark, a zero-sum figure. Now as interest rates were low, the amount of the interest portion of the loan was low. Meaning more money could be freed up for the principal portion. And that principal portion is the rate at which the loan is being repaid. So if over a 360 payment loan $75 on average is getting paid in principle, the loan can retire $25,200 in debt. So the borrower can offer $25,200 for a home with faith from the bank that they will be able to repay. Thus, the buyer in the real estate auction can spend $25,200 max (and they will spend all of it).  Now if that same borrower, who can afford $100 a month in mortgage payments has to borrow in an interest rate environment that is 10% more costly than before, a rate change of borrowing from 2% to 2.2% the borrower will need to borrow from the principal repayment part of the pie. That means that the average payment they can afford to make comes down, and they will only be able to offer $21,600 when making an offer on the house. This is 14% less, after a 10% move up in borrowing costs.  This is where it will get interesting.  The “rates” that you may have heard are rising, are the percentages at which banks borrow. That money has cost banks 0.25%, since 2020. It’s made spending during the pandemic easier and lowered the cost of capital risk for banks in order to keep the money flowing. So, a bank borrowing at .25% or close to it can lend a 30-year mortgage at really low rates. Hence the sub 3% and 2% mortgage rates we saw in the last 2 years and on the heels of the 2009-2016 recovery cycle.   The by-product of this low-interest rate, high spending environment is inflation (the rising costs of goods and services). So if the cost to the bank to repay these loans increases, the cost for borrowers increases at a faster rate. So the rate of change is more than the 10% increase we discussed above. A borrower seeing their interest rate go from 2.2% to 4.4% (while still historically low) will see their capacity for repayment severely impacted. By just returning to normal lending rates the portion a borrower can repay is reduced. The borrower who could afford a $100 a month payment, now sees his buying power reduced to $9,000 over the course of the 360 mortgage payments in a 30-year mortgage. The borrower now has 41% of the buying capacity by doubling the borrowing rate, this change in the amount of borrowed capital buyers brought into the house buying equation, means that the bid sizes will invariably contract. Bringing the prices that a home clears the market down. Knock-on-effects: Inflation In the above scenario, the ignored part of the pie is the “Other.” This is mostly tax and insurance, but also includes power, water, HOA’s, and other required expenses for the ownership of a home. These costs are also climbing, and they too will erode the buying power of borrowers. This has been a largely understood space for some time, but as inflation continues to outpace wages, this will have a growing negative effect on the buyer’s ability to borrow. This is simply shifting payments from principle into insurance. What is missing from the “crash” in ‘08?: Leverage So just understanding that buyers are going to lose buying capacity in a given market doesn’t result in a crash, it just means that home prices will contract. What is still missing in this equation is selling pressures.  The housing crisis wasn’t just the rising cost of home prices, it was also the deterioration of credit quality borrowers, and excess leverage. As the housing market of the early 2000s looks eerily similar in growth, an important distinction is made between the two when we look at the leverage ratio of borrowers. This is a result of the bad actors in the housing crisis leveraging one house with another, and another, and another. This allowed the rampant contagion of home selling. One default in the leverage on leverage structure meant that a single default meant 2 or more defaults as a result. The low credit quality and poor borrowing strategies (adjustable rate mortgages, and subprime lending) meant that all borrowing became interconnected. Now while the current system has become somewhat lax on the underwriting standards again, the use of adjustable mortgages and equity requirements for vacation and second homes remains largely intact. Limiting the contagion of contraction to single borrowers. What is missing from the “crash” in ‘08?: Employment Employment is well below 4% and that is encouraging. That means that there is plenty of demand for workers and that if a borrower is qualified when they are employed, the risk of losing that employment is at its lowest point ever. Broadly speaking this means that it’s worth keeping an eye on, but will limit the amount of forced selling that could trigger a true “crash”. 

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How much should you keep in the bank in relation to your investments?

Great question! So there are a couple of ways to think about this but I will give you what I believe are two simple strategies. One emergency fund + Investments OR The Three Bucket Strategy:  First the Emergency + Investment Account method: First Establish the Emergency Fund How much? 3-12 months of non-discretionary cash for your emergency fund. Three months if you’re single and highly employable and 12 months if you’re older (50+) with dependents and you’re the primary provider. For everyone else, six months is a great place to be. Put this cash or in money market accounts that are liquid (you can access immediately).  What type of account(s) should I use? Savings Account or checking account Then develop Investment Account(s) Once you have your emergency fund taken care of this is where you can invest the rest. Read Saving Automation 101 & Investing 101   OR try the Three Bucket Strategy: First Bucket: 3-12 months of non-discretionary cash for your emergency fund. Type of account: Savings Account or checking account 3 months if you’re single and highly employable and 12 months if you’re older (50+) with dependents and you’re the primary provider. If you’re in between 6 months is a great place to be. Put this cash in money market accounts that are fully liquid (you can access immediately).  Second Bucket: 1-3 years of individual bonds and maybe some equity. Brokerage account  This is money that is used to generate income to replenish your first bucket, provide a safety net, and is supposed to be less volatile than investing in the general market. If your cash is used up in bucket one you take some of the money from this bucket and shift it over into bucket one to replenish that amount. For conservative investors, this is a great place to buy bonds with different maturities to build what is called a bond ladder (1-year bond, 2-year bond, 3-year bond). For aggressive investors, you may use a balanced approach of a total stock market ETF and a total bond market ETF (a balanced fund).  Third Bucket: 3 years + of equities This is your long term money. Money that you don’t plan to touch or use for anything other than to let it grow and compound. This should be invested into equities. Reinvesting your dividends and letting time run and the effect of compounding work for you.  If you found this helpful please share it and/or leave a comment! 

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Kevin Taylor

Tenant Mix one of the six critical factors in Real Estate investing

One of the six critical factors that can make or break a real estate investment is the tenant mix. Tenant mix refers to the types of businesses or individuals that occupy a property. It can impact the near-term cash flows and long-term appreciation potential of an investment. In this blog post, we will discuss why tenant mix is an important component of investing better in real estate and how it can improve an investor’s asset. What is Tenant Mix? Tenant mix refers to the variety of tenants that occupy a property. It includes the types of businesses, the sizes of the units, and the lease terms. The goal of tenant mix is to create a balanced mix of tenants that will generate the highest possible returns for the property owner. The ideal tenant mix will vary depending on the type of property and its location. Why is Tenant Mix important? Tenant mix is important because it affects the performance of the property. A good tenant mix can improve the cash flow of a property, while a poor tenant mix can lead to high vacancy rates and lower rental income. Additionally, tenant mix can impact the long-term appreciation potential of an investment. If the property has a mix of strong, stable tenants, it is more likely to retain its value over time. How Tenant Mix improves near-term cash flows Tenant mix can impact the near-term cash flows of a property. A good tenant mix will attract a variety of businesses that will generate a steady stream of rental income. For example, a retail property with a mix of anchor tenants (large retailers that draw customers to the property) and smaller specialty stores will create a diverse stream of rental income. This will help to stabilize the property’s cash flow and reduce the risk of high vacancy rates. Conversely, a poor tenant mix can lead to high vacancy rates, which can hurt cash flows. For example, a retail property with several tenants in the same industry can become over-saturated. If one of these tenants closes or moves out, it can lead to a domino effect where other tenants follow suit. This can leave the property owner with a high vacancy rate and reduced rental income. How Tenant Mix improves long-term appreciation Tenant mix can also impact the long-term appreciation potential of a property. A good tenant mix can create a more valuable property over time. For example, a commercial property with a mix of national and local tenants is more likely to retain its value over time. National tenants are typically more stable and have longer lease terms, while local tenants can bring a unique flavor to the property. A diverse tenant mix can help to create a more resilient property that can withstand economic downturns. Conversely, a poor tenant mix can lead to a decline in property value over time. If the property has a high vacancy rate, it can become less attractive to potential investors. Additionally, if the tenant mix is overly concentrated in one industry or tenant type, it can lead to a decline in property value. For example, a retail property with several tenants in the same industry may struggle to attract new tenants if that industry experiences a downturn. In conclusion, tenant mix is a crucial component of investing in real estate. A good tenant mix can improve the near-term cash flows and long-term appreciation potential of a property. Investors should carefully consider the types of tenants that will occupy their property and strive to create a diverse tenant mix that will generate the highest possible returns. By doing so, investors can maximize their chances of success in the real estate market.

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