
What’s making Real Estate investors “Smile”?

Financial Planning Dentist

Investing in the property along with demographic trends is a wise and efficient investment strategy because it allows investors to capitalize on the housing, storage, and infrastructure needs of huge swaths of people. For example, as the population ages, there is an increasing demand for senior living facilities and healthcare services. By investing in properties with supportive demographics investors are more likely to see better returns. 

Similarly, as the younger generations continue to delay homeownership and prefer renting, investing in rental properties in desirable areas can provide a steady stream of income. By analyzing demographic trends and investing in properties that align with these trends, investors can make informed decisions and potentially maximize their returns while minimizing their risks.

This brings us to the demographic shift of Americans moving southward…to the “Smile States”

First, let’s define what “smile” states are. These are the states that have a southern border on the Gulf of Mexico and a western border on the Pacific Ocean, and up to the mid-Atlantic states,  forming a smile-like shape on the map. 

Boulder Financial Advisors, Investment Specialists, Real Estate Advisors

These “smile” states include California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Virginia, and the Carolinas. Overlapping, The states that attracted the most “new residents” in 2022 are Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina, followed by other states in the South and West, Including, Texas, Colorado, and Arizona (the full list can be found here).

But why do people invest in these states, and what’s driving the real estate market in these areas?

One of the main reasons people invest in “smile” states is for the lifestyle they offer. These states have a warm climate, beautiful beaches, and plenty of outdoor activities. This makes them attractive to retirees, who are looking for a place to settle down and enjoy their golden years. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Florida is the top destination for retirees, with over 500,000 people moving there each year.

But it’s not just retirees who are attracted to these states. Younger people are also moving to “smile” states in search of job opportunities and a lower cost of living. For example, Austin, Texas, has become a hub for tech companies, attracting young professionals from all over the country. Additionally, the Raleigh, Durham, & Chapel Hill part of North Carolina has seen a bump in younger Americans migrating to the area to enjoy the weather, adorable housing and cost of living, and thriving economy. 

Another factor driving the real estate market in “smile” states is the shift in demographics in the United States. According to a report from the Urban Land Institute, millennials and baby boomers are driving the demand for rental housing in these areas. This is because many millennials are delaying home ownership and opting to rent, while baby boomers are downsizing and looking for more affordable housing options.

But it’s not just the “smile” states that are experiencing a shift in demographics. The entire country is undergoing a major demographic shift, with people moving from high-tax states like California and New York to lower-tax states like Texas and Florida. This is according to a report from the Tax Foundation, which found that people are leaving high-tax states at an alarming rate. This has created a demand for real estate in these lower-tax states, as more people look to relocate.

Investing in “smile” states can be a great opportunity for those looking for a better quality of life and a potential return on investment. With the shifting demographics in the United States, these states are becoming more attractive to both retirees and younger professionals. As people continue to move around the country in search of better taxes and weather, the real estate market in “smile” states is likely to remain strong.

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A covered call strategy is a popular options trading strategy that combines both risk management and income generation using stocks. It involves selling call options on a stock you already own, thereby generating additional income while potentially limiting downside risk. Here’s a basic description of a covered call strategy: You need to own the Stock: To implement a covered call strategy, you first need to own the underlying stock. This means you have purchased shares of a particular stock in your investment portfolio. A call can be written against each “round lot” or 100 shares. Selling Call Options: Once you own the stock, you sell call options against it. A call option is a financial contract that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying stock at a specified price (known as the strike price) within a specified time period (known as the expiration date). By selling call options, you are essentially giving someone else the opportunity to buy your stock at the strike price if they choose to exercise the option. Generating Income: When you sell a call option, you receive a premium (payment) from the buyer of the option. This premium becomes your additional income. It’s important to note that by selling the call option, you are obligated to sell the stock at the strike price if the buyer decides to exercise the option. Risk Management: The covered call strategy helps manage risk in two ways. First, the premium received from selling the call options provides a buffer against potential stock price declines. It reduces the effective cost basis of the stock, thereby providing some downside protection. Second, if the stock price rises above the strike price, you are obligated to sell the stock at the strike price, but you still get to keep the premium received. While you miss out on potential gains above the strike price, you benefit from the additional income generated. Potential Outcomes: There are a few potential outcomes with a covered call strategy. If the stock price remains below the strike price, the call options will typically expire worthless, and you get to keep the premium as income. If the stock price rises above the strike price and the call options are exercised, you sell your stock at the strike price and still retain the premium received. If the stock price experiences a significant increase, you may miss out on potential gains above the strike price. In summary, a covered call strategy is a risk management tool and a way to generate additional income from stock. It involves selling call options on a stock you own, providing downside protection and potential income. While it limits potential gains if the stock price rises significantly, it can be a useful strategy for investors looking to manage risk and generate income from their stock holdings.

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Can manufactured homes can be considered like-kind property for tax purposes under IRC Section 1031

Q: I was wondering if manufactured homes can be considered like-kind property for tax purposes under IRC Section 1031. A: It turns out that the classification of manufactured homes depends on whether they are classified as real property or personal property. If a manufactured home is permanently affixed to land that the homeowner owns, it can be classified as real property. Just like traditional site-built homes, these manufactured homes are tangible structures that are permanently attached to the land. They have an APN number assigned by the county tax assessor for identification and record keeping. If you receive an annual property tax bill from the county, it confirms that your home is considered real estate and can be used for a 1031 exchange. On the other hand, if a manufactured home is considered personal property, it means that it is often installed on a temporary foundation on leased land. In this case, the homeowner has the option to move the home to another location. This classification is similar to that of a vehicle, and the homeowner receives an annual registration renewal from the DMV. Since mobile homes classified as personal property are not considered real estate, they do not qualify for tax deferral treatment under IRC Section 1031. If you want to confirm whether your home is classified as real or personal property, it’s a good idea to reach out to a Title Insurance company. They can provide you with the necessary information about the classification of your property. Hope this helps you understand the distinction between manufactured homes classified as real property and personal property for tax purposes!

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Boulder Financial Planners and Real Estate Experts
Kevin Taylor

Everything You Should Know About UPREITs: Unlocking Real Estate Investment Potential

Real estate investment has long been considered a viable path to wealth accumulation. However, the traditional methods of real estate investment can be challenging and require substantial capital and management efforts. Fortunately, there are innovative approaches that offer investors the benefits of real estate without the burdens of direct ownership. One such method is the UPREIT, a popular investment vehicle that has gained significant traction in recent years. In this blog post, we will explore UPREITs, their advantages, and how they can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio. Understanding UPREITs: UPREIT stands for “Umbrella Partnership Real Estate Investment Trust.” It is a structure that allows real estate investors to exchange their properties for ownership units in a real estate investment trust (REIT). This exchange is known as a “contribution.” By contributing their property to the UPREIT, investors become limited partners in the REIT and gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-generating properties, without the need for direct management responsibilities. Benefits of UPREITs: Tax Deferral: One of the primary benefits of UPREITs is the ability to defer capital gains taxes that would typically be incurred upon the sale of appreciated property. By contributing the property to the UPREIT, investors can defer these taxes and potentially benefit from tax-efficient cash flow distributions. Portfolio Diversification: UPREITs allow investors to diversify their real estate holdings across various properties and asset classes. This diversification can help reduce risk and increase the potential for stable, long-term returns. Professional Management: Unlike direct ownership, UPREITs are managed by experienced professionals who handle property acquisitions, leasing, and maintenance. This relieves investors of the day-to-day responsibilities of property management, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their investment strategy. Liquidity: Investing in UPREITs provides investors with greater liquidity compared to owning individual properties. Units in the REIT can be bought or sold on the secondary market, offering flexibility in adjusting investment positions. Passive Income: UPREITs generate income from the rental payments received from tenants. As a limited partner in the REIT, investors can benefit from this passive income stream, providing potential cash flow that can be reinvested or used for personal expenses. Considerations Before Investing: While UPREITs offer attractive benefits, it’s essential to consider a few factors before investing: Risk: As with any investment, there are inherent risks associated with UPREITs. Market fluctuations, economic conditions, and changes in the real estate sector can impact the performance of the underlying properties. Conduct thorough due diligence and consider working with a financial advisor to evaluate the risks and potential rewards. Investment Horizon: UPREITs are typically considered long-term investments. Investors should have a reasonable investment horizon to allow the REIT to generate returns and potentially realize the tax advantages associated with deferring capital gains. Management Team and Track Record: Research the management team responsible for overseeing the UPREIT. Their experience, expertise, and track record are crucial indicators of the REIT’s potential success. UPREITs have emerged as an appealing investment option for individuals looking to benefit from the income and growth potential of real estate without the burdens of direct ownership. With tax advantages, diversification, professional management, and liquidity, UPREITs offer a compelling solution for investors seeking to unlock the potential of real estate investments. However, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, assess the risks involved, and consult with professionals before making investment decisions. By doing so, you can make informed choices and position yourself to leverage the benefits of UPREITs in building a well-rounded investment portfolio.  

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