
Tag: InSight-Full® Personal Financial Plan

Kevin Taylor

The Benefits of an Automatic Savings Plan

What Is an Automatic Savings Plan (ASP)? This is a cornerstone idea for those that have a deliberate and controllable trajectory in retirement. It’s as simple as, if I want to do “x” in retirement, I need to save “y”

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boulder financial planning experts with 1031 tax mitigation experience
Kevin Taylor

Adding a Real Estate Investment

Why Real Estate: Time travel – several of the projects and existing real estate ideas we have access to formed early last year. As a result, they have locked in lending rates in the mid to low 3%s. Well below

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Kevin Taylor

529 College Planning: 102

Types of 529 plans This is one of the largest hang-ups for savers. A history of misinformation and contamination between different types of 529s has generated several misnomers. Simply put: 529 plans are usually categorized as “prepaid tuition” or “college

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Kevin Taylor

529 College Planning: 101

The Origin on 529s The origin story of the 529 program goes back to the Michigan Education Trust (MET) in 1986. A state-run program that supported colleges saving devoid of state income taxation.  529 plans are named after Section 529

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