Tag: Real Estate

Asset Borrowing in Self Directed IRA and Roth’s
Like getting a mortgage on a home, borrowing inside of a Self Directed IRA (SDRIA) can help add leverage, expand the upside of an investment and pose undue risks. It should only be used as part of a greater investment

Real Estate Investing and More in your Retirement Accounts
Yes, you read that correctly, you can own real estate, land, private businesses, notes, precious metals, livestock, crypto currencies, equipment and more in your retirement accounts. We love telling clients of InSight that there is an investing world beyond what

Backdoor Roth
If you’re looking for tax free income in retirement getting as much money into your Roth is the way to go. Tax free growth turns into tax free income. Executing on backdoor Roth strategies can be a little confusing but
Tax Mitigation Playbook: What are the Requirements and Rules for a 1031 Exchange?
1031 Rules require all 1031 exchanges regardless of the type have a 45-day identification period and a 180-day exchange period. For a 1031 exchange to be in accordance with IRC § 1031 Rules, within 45-days of the close of the

Tax Mitigation Playbook: What is a 1031?
A 1031 exchange, also known as a like-kind exchange or tax-deferred exchange, is where real property that is “held for productive use in a trade or business or investment” is sold and the proceeds from the sale are reinvested into