
Tag: Savings Rate

Zending, Boulder Financial Planners and Advisors
Kevin Taylor

Zending: The Art of Mindful Spending and Lasting Joy

In the quest for financial stability and discipline, it’s common to be besieged by feelings of guilt and unease whenever we spend money on non-essentials. However, there exists a sweet spot where financial responsibility and pleasurable spending merge harmoniously. This

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Boulder Wealth Building
Kevin Taylor

How to Get Wealthy – The Basics of Wealth-Building

Introduction: What is Wealth? The traditional definition of “Wealth” is the quality of life that a person can enjoy, which can be measured in terms of material possessions and financial stability. But the InSight definition is more inclusive. We think

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Kevin Taylor

The Benefits of an Automatic Savings Plan

What Is an Automatic Savings Plan (ASP)? This is a cornerstone idea for those that have a deliberate and controllable trajectory in retirement. It’s as simple as, if I want to do “x” in retirement, I need to save “y”

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Do I need life insurance?

Most likely yes.  Your financial and family situation will be the deciding factor. If you’re single, have a large amount of savings, and no dependents then life insurance may not be for you. The reason being, unless your savings cannot

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What’s the point of a financial planner?

Organize: We’re all guilty of “knowing” where everything is but not piecing it together A big way planners can help out is by helping you simply organize your entire financial life. From insurance, taxes, investments, expenses, real estate, etc, having

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