
Tag: Tax

boulder investment experts
Kevin Taylor

What is Tax Loss Harvesting?

Tax loss harvesting works by taking advantage of the tax code’s treatment of investment gains and losses. Here’s how it works: 1. Identify Investments with Losses: To start, investors review their investment portfolio to identify assets that have decreased in

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boulder financial planning experts with 1031 tax mitigation experience
Kevin Taylor

Adding a Real Estate Investment

Why Real Estate: Time travel – several of the projects and existing real estate ideas we have access to formed early last year. As a result, they have locked in lending rates in the mid to low 3%s. Well below

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Peter Locke

How do the rich pay less in taxes than you?

A large number, if not the majority of our clients at InSight come to us looking for ways to mitigate their tax liability. While a CPA will find backward-looking ways to lower your tax liability, our clients are working to

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