
The Anatomy of a Bank Run: Unveiling the Mechanics Behind Financial Panic

Financial Planning Dentist

In the realm of finance, few events are as unsettling as a bank run. The mere mention of this term sends shivers down the spines of economists and bankers alike. A bank run is a phenomenon characterized by a sudden and widespread withdrawal of deposits from a financial institution, driven by a loss of confidence in its stability. This blog post aims to dissect the anatomy of a bank run, shedding light on its causes, consequences, and potential remedies.

The Spark: A bank run often begins with a spark—an event that triggers fear and prompts depositors to question the safety of their funds. This spark can take various forms, such as rumors of insolvency, high-profile fraud cases, economic downturns, or a series of bank failures. Whatever the cause, it creates an atmosphere of doubt that undermines trust in the banking system. In runs in the past, the spark could have taken weeks, a slow-moving sentiment gaining some critical mass – but as the recent “runs” shows us, the entire cycle especially eh spark can happen far more quickly. 

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Fear and Panic: Once the spark ignites, fear spreads like wildfire among depositors. Worried about losing their hard-earned money, individuals rush to the bank to withdraw their funds. The first few depositors may have genuine concerns, but their actions set off a domino effect as others join the queue, driven by the fear of being left empty-handed. Some amount of fear and panic is normal, but the runs on banks are actually self-fulfilling the fear causes the failure.

Liquidity Crunch: A sudden influx of withdrawal requests places immense strain on the bank’s liquidity. Banks operate on the principle of fractional reserve banking, which means they only keep a fraction of depositors’ funds in reserve while lending out the rest. When too many depositors demand their money simultaneously, the bank struggles to meet the demand, leading to a liquidity crunch.

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Contagion Effect: Bank runs rarely remain confined to a single institution. As news of a bank run spreads, it instills a sense of panic in depositors of other banks as well. People start questioning the stability of other financial institutions, even if there is no concrete evidence to support their concerns. This contagion effect can quickly escalate the crisis and trigger a systemic risk to the entire banking sector.

Destructive Feedback Loop: Bank runs create a destructive feedback loop. As depositors withdraw their funds, the bank’s ability to meet their demands diminishes further. This, in turn, erodes public confidence, leading to more withdrawals. The cycle continues until the bank’s reserves are depleted, and it becomes insolvent, potentially resulting in its collapse.

Economic Consequences: The consequences of a bank run extend beyond the affected institution. They can have severe ramifications for the broader economy. When banks face a liquidity crunch, they curtail lending activities, causing a credit crunch. This, in turn, stifles economic growth, as individuals and businesses find it increasingly difficult to access funds for investment or day-to-day operations.

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Government Intervention: To mitigate the fallout of a bank run, governments often step in to restore confidence and stabilize the financial system. They may employ various measures, such as guaranteeing deposits, injecting liquidity into banks, or even bailing out troubled institutions. Government intervention aims to restore trust, prevent further runs, and minimize the potential systemic risks.

A bank run is a powerful manifestation of the fragility inherent in the banking system. It demonstrates the critical role trust plays in maintaining the stability of financial institutions. Understanding the anatomy of a bank run equips us with the knowledge to identify early warning signs, implement effective regulatory measures, and establish robust safeguards to prevent such crises in the future. By nurturing trust and confidence in the banking system, we can help maintain a strong and resilient financial foundation for economies worldwide.


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Kevin Taylor

What should I know about Bitcoin?

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I think with that ratio of inflation hedging capacity to speculation being so wide it cannot be a reliable replacement for traditional inflation hedges. Let’s then add a more practical element, Bitcoin fever is not the honest result of people hedging their inflation bets. I don’t believe most of them are concerned about the pace of inflation that they can justify a 66% run-up as a concern for the Federal Reserves’ buying rate. It’s more likely the result of seeking a high return on assets. This is then where I am truly concerned about Bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) being considered a store of value. Let’s then take a look at the utility of Bitcoin. Some of the value of other stores of value is that they have an intrinsic utility. Arguably, they were a reliable “store of value” before they were thought of that way by markets. Since the dawn of commerce, traders have used precious metals and industrial metals to store value. They have a legacy of usefulness. Gold was made into jewelry early, then coinage, then dentistry, and now it’s mission-critical in aerospace and technology. It has always had a drop-dead value because of its innate function. So if you were worried about the governing power that developed a currency, in 700BC or 2021, dropping to zero, the store of value would still have some intrinsic usefulness. I’m not sure the same could be said for bitcoin, because unlike other commodities and precious metals I can’t make a house with it, mold it into utensils, or wear it around my neck. Bitcoins value without its relationship to other currencies is $0. Market Hedge: Bitcoin can hold value when markets fall For this, I think it’s important to look at the behaviors of the people who are buying both the market and the underlying fundamentals of each. I think that it is true, that both the market and Bitcoins are inflation-hedged assets. Only one of these makes sense over time. Additionally, we look at the correlation of the greater market to Bitcoin. In terms of volatility, like March of 2020, we saw equity high volatility in Bitcoin. In times of expansion, we see similar directionality. I think a greater, more lasting argument can be made that Bitcoin’s success and the success of the market are the results of the same underlying causes of liquidity. As we generate more money in the world, the price of assets rises, this shouldn’t be a shock. What does become a point of distinction between the two is that while Bitcoin can arguably “inflate” as long as the de facto Crypto is still Bitcoin. What it cannot do, is provide the investor cash flow in the future. The market however is the representation of ownership over future cash flows. So when markets “sell-off” there is a bottom-rung where the price of future earnings is too appealing and recruits investors back to the marketplace. With no such promise of future cash flows from bitcoin, what becomes the bottom rung? For most commodities, it becomes its intrinsic value, for Bitcoin that is $0.  Fixed Asset: “Bitcoin is a fixed amount and there will never be more” This is kind of an illusion. Yes, there will be a fixed amount of Bitcoins, but not a fixed amount of cryptocurrencies. Each currency type will have its own value, function, and framework. So if in the infinitely expansive ecosystem of “coinage” something comes along that can supplant the “fixed” appeal of bitcoin, and have some other benefit, the appeal of Bitcoin erodes overnight. Say for example a “fixed amount currency”, more granular than bitcoin, or fixed amount and acceptable in Costco whatever the case is, becomes the Bitcoin+ currency of choice.  Then it becomes a question of “How long will people accept my bitcoin?” and then it’s a run for the door trying to not be the last person holding a tulip. The race will become how many Bitcoin+ will I be able to exchange for my Bitcoin. So the argument that it’s “digital gold” is valid until there

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