
Market InSights:

When does a Bear look like a Bull? (Pt. 1)

Four things to avoid and four things to embrace when the Bear turns into a Bull.


A Bear Rally is a short, swift, updraft in stocks that can end as quickly as it began. Here are the four signals to avoid.

Markets will routinely go through bouts of extreme buying during a bear market. There are several fundamental and technical reasons why markets “rally” at these times amid broader weakness in the market. The market this time has just come off its 4th bear market rally of the 2022 selloff.

Boulder Colorado Investment Management
All Four Bear Rallies

These “false” turnarounds can be frustrating to the casual observer. A feeling that the market is random and chaotic can lead people to become frustrated during these moments of euphoria, only to be quickly rebuffed by another violent selloff.

At some point, these turnarounds stay intact and the Bear market rally is seen for what it is, the beginning of the next bull.

Here are some of the important topics to keep in mind to determine if we are looking at a new Bull, or another Bear.

Markets are Money with Emotion – Bear Rally (4)

If markets were perfectly logical they would be rather dull. If smart people reached the same conclusion regarding the future value of dollars (inflation), corporate revenue (earnings), and cost of capital (debt) then the auction that is the market would see a very narrow band of trading. But, it’s not, there is a maelstrom of emotion that accompanies markets and this market is no exception.

Boulder Colorado Investment Advisor
Bear Market Rally Four

The rally from the June lows, to the most recent selloff, started at the Fed meeting in June and ended in mid-August (Bear Rally 4). The “Dovish Pivot” was the culprit – the belief that a small part of Jerome Powell’s update in June was dovish, and the “feeling” that the rate hiking cycle would come to an end sooner. This was both a fundamental shift in markets and an emotional one. One that we at InSight, didn’t share. We either didn’t hear this new dovishness, or we didn’t believe in it. 

This Bear rally was an abrupt reversal of the trend based on emotion, which you might assume is not a reliable and lasting reason for markets to change course, and you would be right. These good times were quickly brought to an end with more commentary from fed chairs and economists in August and were fully doused by Powell’s speech on September, 21st.

Trading markets on emotions is hard, and for that, we look for momentum to confirm our emotions and use the MACD reading to understand when emotional buying has turned into momentum buying. We try not to fight the momentum in markets.

The “Narrow” rally – Bear Rally (2)

When markets turn around, it happens quickly, and no one wants to “miss out” on the bottom. This causes abrupt buying at symbolic (not fundamental) levels or in single stocks or sectors. Some stocks serve as a bellwether for markets, Trains, Chips, and Logistics companies can tell us when the market is healthy and the supply chain orderly. But when one group of stocks march higher alone, it is likely a false rally and they will routinely be brought back with the border market.

The US Technology Index registered a bear market on March 14 when it closed down 19.8% from its peak on Nov. 22. The index then zipped higher, gaining 17.3% as of March 29 before resuming its downward trend. The index lost 27% between its March 29 close and its June 16 low.

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Bear Market Rally Two

There was a “buy the dip rally” in a Bull Market for well over a decade. So, traders and investors have been conditioned to buy up markets trading on lows. Markets registering short-term (1 and 3 month lows) have been quickly reversed since the financial crisis.

The great financial crisis ushered in an era of seemingly unlimited accommodation from the Fed and every dip was met with more and more liquidity from investors and the government. Operating in unison, the market drawdowns were short, and bull rallies were profitable.

The Bear Rally (2) of this cycle was met with no such injection from the Fed and the rally petered out when traders ran out of money. This reversal was confirmed as the market headed lower from Bear End (2) into Bear Start (3). A lack of dry powder meant there was less capacity to continue buying up the market. 

There was no confirmation in the rest of the market, and it was proof that while technology is the most important sector in the SP500, it alone cannot fix weaknesses in other market sectors.

Oversold conditions cause “snapbacks” – Bear Rally (1)

Beware of Oversold conditions that cause bear-market rallies. This is also known as a bear trap, a sucker’s rally, or a “dead cat bounce.” Frequently bottoms are found when conditions on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) reads “oversold” so traders and investors misinterpret these as bottoms, especially early in a bear market. The Bear Rally (1) is a good example of this:

Boulder Colorado Investment Management
Bear Market Rally One

A phenomenon in bear market rallies is the snapback or dead-back bounce. When stock prices deteriorate so quickly, the oversold conditions are met, and the traders look to profit off the short-lived really to come. Oversold conditions are routinely bought up quickly – but they are quickly reversed when the longer trend catches up with the short-term trend. Oversold, or overbought conditions are usually reached when a chart favors the bias of a daily trend over a weekly trend. 

Rallies based on “oversold” conditions very rarely last longer than a couple of weeks. 6-15 trading days at the most, before the more powerful long-term trend, exerts its pressure over the short term.

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Kevin Taylor

The First 5 Benefits of Commercial Real Estate Investing

Commercial real estate investing has become a popular investment strategy for many individuals and businesses. It involves the purchase, ownership, and management of commercial properties such as office buildings, retail centers, industrial warehouses, and multifamily apartments. While the initial cost of an investment may seem high, the potential benefits of commercial real estate investing make it an attractive option for many. Here are the first 5 benefits of commercial real estate investing: The Potential Income Income potential One of the most significant benefits of commercial real estate investing is the potential for a steady income stream. Commercial properties generate rental income, which can provide investors with a regular cash flow. According to a report by the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), commercial real estate had an average annual return of 9.85% from 1990 to 2020, with most of that return coming from rental income. Capital Appreciation Appreciation Another benefit of commercial real estate investing is the potential for property appreciation. As demand for commercial properties increases, the value of those properties can increase as well. According to a report by the Urban Land Institute, commercial property values have increased by an average of 5.5% per year from 2010 to 2020. Investment Diversity Diversification Commercial real estate investing can provide diversification to an investment portfolio. Diversification helps to reduce the overall risk of a portfolio by spreading investments across different asset classes. Commercial real estate has a low correlation with traditional stocks and bonds, which means that it can provide a hedge against stock market volatility. Tax Benefits Tax benefits Commercial real estate investing can provide significant tax benefits. For example, investors can deduct expenses – such as property taxes, mortgage interest, and depreciation from their taxable income. Additionally, a 1031 exchange allows investors to defer taxes on capital gains by reinvesting the proceeds from the sale of a property into another property. Control Control Investing in commercial real estate provides investors with a greater degree of control over their investments. Unlike other investment vehicles such as mutual funds or stocks, investors have the ability to make strategic decisions about the property, such as selecting tenants, setting rental rates, and making improvements to the property to increase its value. In conclusion, commercial real estate investing offers a range of potential benefits, including a steady income stream, appreciation potential, diversification, tax benefits, and greater control over investments. As with any investment, it’s important to conduct thorough due diligence and consult with professionals before making any decisions. However, for those who are willing to put in the effort, commercial real estate can provide an attractive investment opportunity. Sources: National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Property Index Urban Land Institute, Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2021 Investopedia, “The Benefits of Investing in Commercial Real Estate” Forbes, “10 Reasons Why Commercial Real Estate Is A Great Investment”

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Kevin Taylor

Using a Delaware Statutory Trusts (DST) with 1031 Exchange Investments

Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) are extremely popular with 1031 exchange investors. In addition to the tax mitigation aspects of the 1031 itself, they allow investors to diversify the make-up of an investment portfolio, access new buildings and investment types, and easily scale up or down the size of their real estate portfolio. 1031 exchange investors favor DSTs due to the fact that it can be difficult to identify a replacement property within 45 days and in most cases, the DST can accept the exact balance investors are looking to replace a part of the 1031 Exchange. What is a Delaware Statutory Trust? The name will usually confuse new investors. The “Delaware” in Delaware Statutory Trusts is simply a component of the law being initially conceived and developed in Delaware. A common state for incorporation and legal standing. The use of the DST structure helps keep the title clean in connection with ownership by many co-investors. It separates the investor holding title individually into a holding in a new trust where the investor is the beneficial owner. The trustee of the trust can take actions on behalf of the trust beneficiaries (i.e. the DST investors/owners) which does not require agreement by all. Why invest in a DST? Few investors have the requisite net worth to own a 30-story office complex and keep the real estate exposure for their portfolio in line with their risk expectations. That is where the use of DSTs comes into play. A DST is attractive to an investor who desires access to a single property or portfolio of high-value, high-quality real estate asset(s) that may not otherwise be available to them due to size or service constraints. A DST puts the management and ownership of a real estate venture into a manageable box for most investor types. Collecting income, managing taxes, and maintaining the risk are all far easier in the real estate space through the DST structure. The investor receives a deeded fractional ownership in the property in a percentage based upon the equity invested. Is a DST like a REIT? It has some characteristics of a REIT or Real Estate Investment Trust but is different, including the fact that it is often, but not always, just a single property. In addition, the owner of REIT shares holds a partnership interest in the underlying real estate investment. Partnership investments do not qualify for 1031 exchange investments, even if the underlying asset consists of real estate. How does the DST provide income? Similar to the other real estate investments, DSTs generally pay monthly or quarterly an amount based on the excess rent over the property expenses. This includes any mortgage payments so as the debt service is paid, the equity ownership of the investor shifts as well. The Return on Equity (RoE) varies from deal to deal based on the specifics of the property, the building type, and financing goals. With most deals, the sponsor knows the net rent that can be expected and can give the investor the anticipated return for the term of the investment. How long does the DST operate? Most DSTs have a well-defined expectation for liquidation of the asset. The asset’s holding period varies and is prescribed in the beginning, but most have an intermediate time frame. Usually, 3-7 years and the investor shares in the same percentage basis the appreciation in value upon sale of the property. How does the liquidation work? This final stage of a DST is a complete liquidation of the Real Estate assets. This is also part of the investor’s stake in the holding. This can increase the overall annualized return by a couple of percentage points and is paid out in cash upon liquidation. While most investors seek out real estate for the prospect of a current and predictable income – tax mitigated capital appreciation as part of the real estate investment is typically the larger portion of the total return of the investment. Who can buy into a DST? The manner in which DSTs are marketed to the public has a lot of characteristics of sales of securities. Over time, the SEC decided to regulate them as actual sales of securities. So, although a DST interest retains the nature of real estate ownership, with some exceptions, they are regulated. They are typically brought to market for syndication by large well-known sponsors, although they have to be acquired through a Broker, Registered Investment Advisor, or a licensed Financial Advisor. The DST structure usually, if not always, requires the investor meets the Accredited Investor standard as the offerings are listed through the Reg D issuing process. Typically, the broker or advisor will vet all offerings of the sponsors with whom they have an agreement and that level of due diligence is a benefit to the investor who is unlikely to have the wherewithal to review the investment as closely.

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Private Placements
Peter Locke

Private Placements in your IRA & 401(k)

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) is very similar to a traditional IRA but gives you more ways to diversify your investments and retirement savings and can include using Private Placements. The SDIRA gives you greater control and flexibility by investing in things you know and believe in by widening your investment selections into your areas of interest or expertise.  Unlike your typical bank or brokerage account, you’re not limited to where you invest. The SDIRA gives you the ability to find alternative investments like real estate, private companies, start-ups, LLCs, LPs, etc.  At InSight, we partner with the Entrust Group to help administer the accounts, and empower our clients to invest in the things they’re passionate about to help them achieve their goals. Entrust shares our core beliefs that client’s should be able to find new ways to increase their potential for growth, protect their net worth against economic fluctuations through diversification, take more control, and grow their savings and retirement in tax advantaged accounts.  Being in Colorado, we’re surrounded by entrepreneurial leaders from technology to pharmaceuticals and we want our clients to get invested in those companies if they desire. Through Private Placements, our clients can invest in privately-held companies. Since a lot of those companies have a hard time getting the funding required to reach their goals, you could be the one that gets them the additional funding they need which spurs the company to new heights. Whether it’s LLCs, C-Corps, Private stock, Partnerships, Private Placements, business, or notes you can invest in almost anything. Private Placements allows companies to raise money by selling stocks, bonds, or other instruments. Some but not all offerings are exempt from federal securities registration requirements, meaning they may or may not have to comply with registration requirements of a public securities offering (meaning more risk if they don’t and less transparency).  It is extremely important that you make sure of a couple of key items before making this type of investment.  Before any investment do your due diligence. This can mean your own research, hiring someone to do a valuation, or a combination of both.  Understand your own liquidity needs and the liquidity of any investment prior to investing. Some investments in private placements require holding periods of 5-10 years so if you need or may need that money before or during that period then investing that money in that strategy isn’t for you. If you’re retired, you need to take RMDs. If you don’t have available funds the penalties for not taking it are extremely high You may be responsible for taxes in your IRA depending on if earnings are paid out or not LLCs can be considered securities and may be required to meet the standards of security offerings In order to make an investment like a Private Placement, you must be an accredited investor. Meaning, your net worth (excluding your primary residence) must exceed 1 million or you have to have income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.  Risks of Private Placements even after doing your due diligence and research include: They’re not reviewed by regulators at the state or federal level and therefore have become a haven for fraud. They’re now the most frequent source of enforcement cases conducted by state securities regulators in North America.  Background checks of sellers, officers, or managers may not have been conducted  Generally speaking, they’re illiquid, and investors may have to hold their investments indefinitely Investors are usually provided minimal disclosure information than a public offering, meaning investors know much less about the investment itself and the people running the show The value of the asset may be provided by a qualified third party, but they must provide sufficient supporting documentation with the Fair Market Valuation Form. FMV Form How to protect your investment: Surround yourself with people to help you, processes to research and understand the investment, and policies to hold you accountable Don’t complete an agreement or questionnaire unless you fully understand it Hire a 3rd party professional to review the document and investment If you’re asked to falsify information, walk away If your gut is telling you no because of a lack of clarity you should probably trust it Invest in what you know Request as much information as you can and ask every question you want

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