
Day: December 18, 2020

Best way to get out of debt?

We get it, debt is tough.  We recommend being aggressive and process oriented with the below steps. Step 1: Is it accretive or erosive? Is it something that is helping you grow your net worth or is it hurting your

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combining my 401(k)s
Peter Locke

Combining my 401(k)s

Have you wondered, should I be Combining my 401(k)s? your not alone and we have written the below guide to whether or not its going to be right for you and your strategy. After a decade working with clients the

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How much should you save as a young person?

The younger you’re the more difficult it is to save because your income isn’t very high. However, here are some general guidelines to help you out. The younger you are the more compounding will help you.  General Rule: The lower

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Market InSights
Kevin Taylor

Tesla added to S&P500

Today is the last day that Tesla will not be part of the S&P. S&P Dow Jones Indices has announced Tesla’s addition Friday after the market close. Tesla will officially trade as a member of the S&P 500 by the

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Investment Bias: Hindsight

Hindsight bias is reading beneficial past events obviously predictable, and bad events as not predictable and without cause (called black swans). In the decade between 1999 and 2009, we have many explanations for poor investment performance. Brokers and talking heads

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