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Biden’s Proposed Budget on 1031 Exchanges

Analyzing the Impact of Biden’s Proposed Budget on 1031 Exchanges The release of President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget, outlined by the US Department of Treasury in what is colloquially known as the “Green Book,” suggests implementing strict limitations on IRC Section 1031. This section currently allows for the deferral of taxes on real estate exchanges, potentially leading to significant repercussions for various sectors, including real estate, small businesses, and overall economic growth. Biden’s Budget Proposal for 1031 Exchanges The US Department of Treasury’s publication of President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget, commonly referred to as the “Green Book,” introduces the notion of imposing stringent constraints on IRC Section 1031. Under the current setup, this section enables tax deferrals on real estate exchanges, but the proposed budget aims to alter this dynamic. The suggested amendment recommends capping the deferral of gains at $500,000 for individuals ($1 million for married couples filing jointly) per annum for similar real estate exchanges. Any gains surpassing this threshold would be subject to immediate taxation when the property is transferred by the Exchanger. Potential Ramifications of Budget Changes on 1031 Exchanges Should the proposed $500,000 cap on 1031 Exchanges be enacted, studies indicate adverse economic implications. Here are several reasons highlighting the detrimental effects a $500,000 limit could have on the economy: 1. Impact on Real Estate Investment and Liquidity: Current 1031 Exchanges incentivize reinvestment in real estate by deferring capital gains taxes. However, introducing a cap could hinder investors’ ability to participate in larger transactions, potentially decreasing liquidity in the real estate market. 2. Reduction in Property Transactions: A limitation may deter property owners from engaging in 1031 Exchanges due to increased tax burdens, subsequently slowing down property transactions and economic activity within the real estate sector. 3. Potential Detriment to Small Businesses: The proposed cap could disproportionately affect small businesses and investors who rely on 1031 Exchanges to manage their property portfolios, hindering their ability to expand or optimize holdings. 4. Impact on Economic Growth: 1031 Exchanges stimulate economic growth by promoting investment and job creation. Imposing hard limits on these exchanges could impede these economic accelerators. Studies, such as one conducted by Professors Ling & Petrova, suggest that restricting or eliminating 1031 Exchanges would lead to decreased real estate transactional activity, increased capital costs, and a contraction in GDP. Furthermore, research from Ernst & Young in 2021 indicates that 1031 Exchanges support job creation, and labor income, and contribute significantly to the US GDP and tax revenues. Advantages of 1031 Exchanges 1031 Exchanges offer benefits across various sectors of the economy, allowing individuals and businesses to optimize property ownership to match their needs efficiently. These exchanges also facilitate job creation across industries such as construction, finance, and real estate services. Moreover, they contribute to neighborhood revitalization and affordable housing development, particularly in low-income and distressed communities where external capital may be scarce. The outcome of the Budget Proposal While President Biden’s budget estimates $1.86 billion in annual revenue from capping 1031 Exchanges, the projected revenue pales in comparison to the substantial tax revenue generated by these exchanges. Therefore, restricting 1031 Exchanges appears ineffective and counterproductive from a fiscal standpoint. Industry Support for 1031 Exchanges Various entities within the 1031 Exchange industry, including Accruit, are mobilizing to advocate for maintaining 1031 Exchanges in their current form. These efforts include engaging with policymakers to underscore the importance of preserving 1031 Exchanges for economic stability and growth. In conclusion, President Biden’s proposed budget changes to limit Section 1031 could have far-reaching negative effects on the real estate market and the broader economy. As industry leaders, it is imperative to rally support for maintaining the current framework of 1031 Exchanges, emphasizing their pivotal role in fostering economic stability and growth.

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What Constitutes “Like-Kind” in a 1031 Exchange?

The requirement for tax-deferred exchanges of property has always stated that the Replacement Property acquired must be of a “like-kind” to the property sold, known as the Relinquished Property. This principle has been in effect since the addition of IRC Section 1031 to the tax code in 1921. The basis for this requirement is the “continuity of investment” doctrine, which states that if a taxpayer continues their investment from one property to another similar property without receiving any cash profit from the sale, no tax should be triggered. However, it is important to note that this tax liability is only deferred, not eliminated. Given the significance of this requirement in tax-deferred exchanges, it is essential to understand what exactly “like-kind” means. Fortunately, in the context of real property, the analysis is straightforward. For 1031 exchange purposes, all real property is generally considered “like-kind” to each other, irrespective of the asset class or specific property type. Contrary to common misconceptions, a taxpayer selling an apartment building does not need to acquire another apartment building as a replacement property. Instead, they can choose any other type of real estate, such as raw land, an office building, an interest in a Delaware Statutory Trust (DST), etc., as long as it meets the criteria of being considered real property under applicable rules, intended for business or investment use, and properly identified within the 45-day identification period. It’s worth noting that personal property exchanges are no longer eligible for tax deferral under Section 1031 since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act amendment in 2018. This leads us to the question: what qualifies as “real property” for Section 1031 purposes? Examples of real estate interests that are considered like-kind include single or multi-family rental properties, office buildings, apartment buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, industrial property, farm and ranch land, vacant land held for appreciation, cooperative apartments (Co-ops), Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs), hotels and motels, cell tower and billboard easements, conservation easements, lessee’s interest in a 30-year lease, warehouses, interests in a Contract for Deed, land trusts, growing crops, mineral, oil, and gas rights, water and timber rights, wind farms, and solar arrays. In December 2020, the IRS issued new regulations that provide further clarification on the definition of real property in the Code of Federal Regulations. These regulations specify certain types of “inherently permanent structures” and “structural components” that qualify as real estate and are eligible for exchange treatment. Examples of inherently permanent structures include in-ground swimming pools, roads, bridges, tunnels, paved parking areas, special foundations, stationary wharves and docks, fences, outdoor advertising displays, outdoor lighting facilities, railroad tracks and signals, telephone poles, power generation, and transmission facilities, permanently installed telecommunications cables, microwave transmission towers, oil and gas pipelines, offshore platforms, grain storage bins, and silos. Structural components likely to qualify as real property include walls, partitions, doors, wiring, plumbing systems, central air conditioning and heating systems, pipes and ducts, elevators and escalators, floors, ceilings, permanent coverings, insulation, chimneys, fire suppression systems, fire escapes, security systems, humidity control systems, and similar property. It’s important to note that foreign real estate is not considered like-kind to U.S. real estate, according to Section 1031(h) of the Tax Code. However, U.S. taxpayers can exchange foreign property for foreign property, which is considered like-kind and eligible for Section 1031 exchange treatment, with some limited exceptions. In addition to meeting the like-kind requirements, the potential replacement property must be formally identified within 45 days of selling the relinquished property, and the identified property must be acquired within 180 days of the sale. Property received by a taxpayer that was not identified or received within these timeframes is not considered like-kind. In the past, there was a misconception that the like-kind requirement meant trading into the same type of property that was sold. However, the true intention behind the like-kind requirement has always been to maintain the continuity of investment. While Section 1031 exchanges previously applied to personal property, intangible property, and real estate, the amendment in 2018 restricted exchanges to only real estate. Nevertheless, the determination of what constitutes like-kind real estate has remained unchanged—all types of real estate are considered like-kind to each other.

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Everything You Should Know About UPREITs: Unlocking Real Estate Investment Potential

Real estate investment has long been considered a viable path to wealth accumulation. However, the traditional methods of real estate investment can be challenging and require substantial capital and management efforts. Fortunately, there are innovative approaches that offer investors the benefits of real estate without the burdens of direct ownership. One such method is the UPREIT, a popular investment vehicle that has gained significant traction in recent years. In this blog post, we will explore UPREITs, their advantages, and how they can be a valuable addition to your investment portfolio. Understanding UPREITs: UPREIT stands for “Umbrella Partnership Real Estate Investment Trust.” It is a structure that allows real estate investors to exchange their properties for ownership units in a real estate investment trust (REIT). This exchange is known as a “contribution.” By contributing their property to the UPREIT, investors become limited partners in the REIT and gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of income-generating properties, without the need for direct management responsibilities. Benefits of UPREITs: Tax Deferral: One of the primary benefits of UPREITs is the ability to defer capital gains taxes that would typically be incurred upon the sale of appreciated property. By contributing the property to the UPREIT, investors can defer these taxes and potentially benefit from tax-efficient cash flow distributions. Portfolio Diversification: UPREITs allow investors to diversify their real estate holdings across various properties and asset classes. This diversification can help reduce risk and increase the potential for stable, long-term returns. Professional Management: Unlike direct ownership, UPREITs are managed by experienced professionals who handle property acquisitions, leasing, and maintenance. This relieves investors of the day-to-day responsibilities of property management, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their investment strategy. Liquidity: Investing in UPREITs provides investors with greater liquidity compared to owning individual properties. Units in the REIT can be bought or sold on the secondary market, offering flexibility in adjusting investment positions. Passive Income: UPREITs generate income from the rental payments received from tenants. As a limited partner in the REIT, investors can benefit from this passive income stream, providing potential cash flow that can be reinvested or used for personal expenses. Considerations Before Investing: While UPREITs offer attractive benefits, it’s essential to consider a few factors before investing: Risk: As with any investment, there are inherent risks associated with UPREITs. Market fluctuations, economic conditions, and changes in the real estate sector can impact the performance of the underlying properties. Conduct thorough due diligence and consider working with a financial advisor to evaluate the risks and potential rewards. Investment Horizon: UPREITs are typically considered long-term investments. Investors should have a reasonable investment horizon to allow the REIT to generate returns and potentially realize the tax advantages associated with deferring capital gains. Management Team and Track Record: Research the management team responsible for overseeing the UPREIT. Their experience, expertise, and track record are crucial indicators of the REIT’s potential success. UPREITs have emerged as an appealing investment option for individuals looking to benefit from the income and growth potential of real estate without the burdens of direct ownership. With tax advantages, diversification, professional management, and liquidity, UPREITs offer a compelling solution for investors seeking to unlock the potential of real estate investments. However, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research, assess the risks involved, and consult with professionals before making investment decisions. By doing so, you can make informed choices and position yourself to leverage the benefits of UPREITs in building a well-rounded investment portfolio.  

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Can manufactured homes can be considered like-kind property for tax purposes under IRC Section 1031

Q: I was wondering if manufactured homes can be considered like-kind property for tax purposes under IRC Section 1031. A: It turns out that the classification of manufactured homes depends on whether they are classified as real property or personal property. If a manufactured home is permanently affixed to land that the homeowner owns, it can be classified as real property. Just like traditional site-built homes, these manufactured homes are tangible structures that are permanently attached to the land. They have an APN number assigned by the county tax assessor for identification and record keeping. If you receive an annual property tax bill from the county, it confirms that your home is considered real estate and can be used for a 1031 exchange. On the other hand, if a manufactured home is considered personal property, it means that it is often installed on a temporary foundation on leased land. In this case, the homeowner has the option to move the home to another location. This classification is similar to that of a vehicle, and the homeowner receives an annual registration renewal from the DMV. Since mobile homes classified as personal property are not considered real estate, they do not qualify for tax deferral treatment under IRC Section 1031. If you want to confirm whether your home is classified as real or personal property, it’s a good idea to reach out to a Title Insurance company. They can provide you with the necessary information about the classification of your property. Hope this helps you understand the distinction between manufactured homes classified as real property and personal property for tax purposes!

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Using an Improvement Exchange

Imagine being able to sell your appreciated property with all of its gains intact, reinvesting in a new property, and having a budget for improvements, all while enjoying the capital growth of that new property immediately. Guess what? There is an exchange method for that! Here is the Issue Under the IRS rules, once you take ownership of a property, any additional expenditures used to make improvements to the property cannot count towards the value of the replacement property in the exchange. An example of this problem: say that you’re selling building A for $1m and buying building B for $800k. But Building B requires $200k in desired improvements. In a traditional exchange this is a nonstarter; because real estate exchanges have to involve disposing of and acquiring “like-kind” real estate. And unfortunately, the additional labor and materials are not considered “like-kind” for the purposes of the acquisition and cannot be part of the exchange. So the $200k in required improvements cannot be part of the transaction. However… If an InSight client prefers a situation where they need to relinquish property and desires to renovate the next property, there is a path to eliminating the tax loss of the investment AND getting your renovations done. Enter the Improvement Exchange An essential, but overlooked part of the IRS code, can help InSight clients keep their expectations of avoiding a tax loss while making desired improvements a reality. This accommodation can be used to develop the right exchange strategy for the transaction that the business or person requires. If you need to contract out for repairs or improvements, make strategic accommodations for a renter, or change the opportunity completely – this method creates the space to achieve those changes to the property. Under the IRS code in Revenue Procedure 2000-37, an independent third party may take title to the replacement property in the taxpayer’s stead and make the desired improvements on the taxpayer’s behalf. Using an Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (or EAT) In a traditional exchange, the exchange company acts as a qualified intermediary or QI. This means they act as a third-party agent that is both an arms reach from the taxpayer and they help to coordinate the timeline and reporting requirements to make the exchange IRS compliant. If the taxpayer requires improvements the conditions can change.  The exchange company can become an Exchange Accommodation Titleholder or EAT and modifications can be made before the Taxpayer takes ownership – making the desired improvements to the property before taking possession. The EAT takes title to the new property and parks, or holds, that title until the earliest of the following: 180 days from when the relinquished property is sold The improvements are completed 180 days from when the replacement property was parked by the EAT The InSight client can enter into a property improvement exchange with an EAT and direct the QI to send funds periodically to the EAT. Making the desired improvements based on the eventual owner’s instructions. Effectively making the building improvements now part of the acquired property after the close of property A and before taking possession of Property B. Seemingly limitless contractors, consultants, and designers can be paid out by the EAT during this phase, and the owner walks into Building B on day one of ownership with the work done, ready for business and with the changes they envision. In the End The client’s old properties cost basis is rolled into the new property, no taxes are paid on the sale of property A – and property B has received the required improvements to enable it to serve the investor better going forward.

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