
Category: New

Zending, Boulder Financial Planners and Advisors
Kevin Taylor

Zending: The Art of Mindful Spending and Lasting Joy

In the quest for financial stability and discipline, it’s common to be besieged by feelings of guilt and unease whenever we spend money on non-essentials. However, there exists a sweet spot where financial responsibility and pleasurable spending merge harmoniously. This

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Kevin Taylor

What does the Nasdaq rebalancing mean for portfolios?

News from Reuters about a “special rebalance” happening in the Nasdaq 100 index is making headlines – but what does it mean for investors who use benchmarks and indexes to drive their performance? The Nasdaq exchange operator (NDAQ) is taking

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boulder colorado financial planners
Kevin Taylor

What Constitutes “Like-Kind” in a 1031 Exchange?

The requirement for tax-deferred exchanges of property has always stated that the Replacement Property acquired must be of a “like-kind” to the property sold, known as the Relinquished Property. This principle has been in effect since the addition of IRC

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Kevin Taylor

Using a 1031 Exchange as part of a divorce

During the course of real estate ownership, there are instances where the transfer of property title occurs involuntarily. One such situation is when a couple goes through a divorce, which often leads to the sale of the property to a

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