
Category: New

Kevin Taylor

What is an ETF and why do we use them?

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are a type of investment vehicle that combines the features of mutual funds and stocks. They are funds that hold a diverse portfolio of securities and are traded on an exchange like a stock. ETFs provide investors

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Kevin Taylor

A guide to Trusts in Estate Planning

Estate planning often involves the use of trusts to manage and distribute assets in a way that aligns with the individual’s goals, minimizes taxes, and ensures the well-being of beneficiaries. There are various types of trusts available, each serving specific

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Kevin Taylor

What to know about investments in Multifamily investments

Investing in multifamily properties, which are buildings with multiple residential units, can be a profitable investment opportunity for those looking to enter the real estate market. However, like any investment, it comes with its share of benefits and drawbacks. Benefits

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Boulder Financial Advisors, Investing, Artificial Inteligence
Kevin Taylor

The investment potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Investment in artificial intelligence (AI) has been steadily increasing over the past few years, with companies across various industries recognizing the potential benefits it can bring. The global AI market is expected to grow from $10.1 billion in 2018 to

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Kevin Taylor

Navigating the Documents in Estate Planning

Estate planning is a crucial process that involves organizing your affairs and specifying your wishes for the management and distribution of your assets in the event of your disability or death. To begin estate planning, you’ll need several important documents

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Kevin Taylor

What to know about investments in Mixed-use properties

Investing in mixed-use properties can be a unique and rewarding investment opportunity. These properties contain a mix of residential and commercial units, providing a variety of potential income streams. However, like any investment, there are benefits and drawbacks to consider.

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