
P.E.A.K Process®: Cash flow

cash flowSeptember is one of the most telling months in the P.E.A.K Process®. In this month we focus on cash flow, both as a nominal figure and in the percent of cash flow to assets. This gets a good understanding of how much impact we are having in year over year changes in inbound cash to a client’s wealth from investments. It lets our clients know how effective their investments are performing. So many other advisors have coached clients to focus on gains in the price of assets, in our process we want clients to focus on a leading indicator of price, the cash flow from investments. 

Deliverables: A clear Cash flow number in nominal terms and as a percentage of assets, the change from one year prior, a review of their goal on this number, the metrics from other Dental Professionals in their Cohort.

Meeting Cadence: Scheduled Meeting

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