
Day: December 11, 2020

Investments for Dentists
Kevin Taylor

Best Investments for Dentists

What are the best investments for dentists? You’ve invested in your education, in your practice, and in your staff, but how do you make investments for yourself to ensure the health of your personal retirement and practice? These are the

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starting your dental career
Peter Locke

Starting your Dental Career

How can you get to the point where you’re ready to own your own dentist practice and begin starting your dental career. You’re a freshly minted DDS or DMD and you’re feeling great. Finally you can start making some money

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Peter Locke

What’s the value? 

This is the untold story of what happens to most people that meet with financial advisors not CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS™.  Whether you’re at a big brokerage firm, insurance company, or on a robo advisor platform, the stories are the same.  

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Definitions: Debt

Generally debt is any monies owed. it is broadly defined as “Any negative on your balance sheet.” But we think there are key distinctions in the way debt is owed. This causes us to divide debt into two definitions, erosive

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credit card
Peter Locke

Should you pay off your credit card or save?

The short answer is usually to always pay off high interest erosive debt like a credit card first (The First 8 “Good” Money Habits). You cannot consistently return more than credit card interests rates, therefore, you should pay it off

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Private Placements
Peter Locke

Private Placements in your IRA & 401(k)

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) is very similar to a traditional IRA but gives you more ways to diversify your investments and retirement savings and can include using Private Placements. The SDIRA gives you greater control and flexibility by investing in

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Account Types: Self Directed IRA

A IRA without investment limitations Annual Contribution Max: $6,000 or $7,000 if over 50 years old. Why we like Self Directed IRA’s: Available to anyone Makes several non marketed assets available to invest (Including, Franchises, Commercial and Residential Properties, Precious

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Account Types: Individual / Solo 401(k)

Getting corporate retirement plan benefits for when you are going it alone Annual Contribution Max: $57,000 or 25% employees pretax income Why we like Solo 401(k)’s: Easy to administer, low-cost retirement plan designed for self-employed individuals and owner-only (spouse can

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Account Types: SIMPLE IRA

Simple without being simplistic Annual Contribution Max: $13,500 Why we like SIMPLE IRA’s: They are easy to set up and require little to no fiduciary oversight Employee’s can direct the assets with total control Low contribution limits {Total elective contribution

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Account Types: SEP IRA

Purpose built for Small Business Owners and Self-Employed Annual Contribution Max: $57,000 or 25% employees pretax income Why we like SEP IRA’s: High contribution limits For employees, immediate vesting can be an advantage  Total investment control Easy set up and

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